Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The Song: “I MISS YOU”

To see you when I wake up is a gift I didn’t think could be real.
To know that you feel the same as I do is a three-fold Utopian dream.

You do something to me, that I can’t explain.
So would I be out of line, if I said “I miss you”?

I see your picture I smell your skin on the empty pillow, next to mine.
You have only been gone ten days, but already I’m wasting away.

I know I’ll see you again, whether far or soon.
But I need you to know, that I care…
And I miss you…


ps: pretty like to thank Brandon Boyd for writing such a song.


So tell me… would I be out of line, if I said… “I miss you”? *staring across the room*
Even if you were just fooling around, I wouldn’t mind being fooled thousands of times, because it does feel good, so I’ll just enjoy it till the last sip. Cheers.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

OshKoshFootwear.com, the 1st footwear on-line store in Indonesia

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Visit OshKoshFootwear.com
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Happy online shopping!
Enjoy it!

I work here so it’s pretty fair if I’m posting a so-called ad in my blog to promote it right?
Anyway, Please do visit the site and have fun shopping *chus*

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Culinary Walk pt. 5: Hongkong – THE “Famous Roasted Duck”

Belum ke Hongkong namanya kalo belum nyobain dua hal: seafood dan.... roasted duck.

Namun keduanya bukan hal yang mudah dilakonin, karena biasanya terpentok sama masalah harga dan kehalalan. Seafood bukan makanan murah untuk dompet bekpeker kere macem gw, sementara roasted duck selaen mahal juga penempatannya di etalase restoran selalu berendengan sama paman babi, membuatnya JELAS-JELAS tidak halal [well, biar gimana pun gw juga masih punya hati, hahaa!!]

Tapi secara gw pecinta bebek, gw berpikir, masa’ sih seluas itu Hongkong kga ada bebek panggang yang halal???
Alhasil, sebelum gw melanglang buana ke negara itu, gw pun meminta petunjuk pada Mbah Google soal resto halal yang jualan roasted duck di Hongkong.

Ternyata.... ADA!

Setelah gw kopipes alamatnya, gw pun mulai menekuri peta Hongkong yang sudah cukup kusut.
Restoran itu letaknya di Wan Chai yang notabene beda pulau sama tempat istirahat kami. Bukan daerah yang pernah gw sambangi sebelumnya juga. Walau berdasarkan info dari kali pertama gw ke Hongkong, kitaran Causeway Bay dan Wan Chai adalah rumahnya orang Indonesia, karena selaen Kedubes RI berlokasi di situ, ternyata mayoritas TKI berdomisili di daerah-daerah itu juga.

Anyway, restoran yang gw maksud ini punya nama “WAI KEE HALAL
Letaknya di jalan Bowrington (entah dibagian mana daerah Wan Chai pula!!)

Berhubung baru ke daerah Wan Chai dan sepertinya kurang seru kalo ditempuh dengan transportasi umum maupun taksi, maka gw pun memutuskan dari MTR Station Wan Chai, kami menempuh perjalanan dengan kembali memakai jasa kedua kaki.

Dari station MTR Wan Chai sendiri, jarak Bowrington itu sekitar 7-8 blok.
HHHAAAA?!?! *klontaaaanggg*
Hihiii *big grin*

Perjalanan kaki menuju Bowrington itu cukup seru.
Walau kedua kaki udah protes mampus, tapi kedua mata dimanja sama pemandangan mewah: deretan butik mobil sport yang merknya gak bakal ditemuin di Indonesia deh! Sampe shock sendiri liat aneka jenis mobil sedan dengan ragam disain itu. Mikir-mikir apa orang Hongkong ini kaya-kaya ato emang pecinta mobil sport ya?

Setelah hampir 1 jam berjalan kaki, kami sampai di daerah Bowrington.
Menurut petunjuk, alamat Wai Kee Halal Restaurant itu adalah Bowrington 21st Road, Cooked Food Center.
Nah looh!! Dimana tuuh?!

Masuk jalan Bowrington, yang ditemui adalah???
Eng ing eng!!!
Bukan pasar malam bak Ladies Market ato Jade Market, tapi..... pasar tradisional
Pasar yang becek, yang bau, yang bertebaran sayur mayur, ikan, daging dan.... tubuh paman-paman babi pink yang bantet nan mulus itu pun bergelantungan dimana-mana (full dari ujung kaki sampe kepala)

Dimana restorannyaaaahhh?!?!
Dari ujung ke ujung cuman ada sayur, daging, babi, ikan yang bergelimpangan di bawah. Kaga ada restoran!

Muterin pasar itu dengan perasaan tak berdaya.
Masa’ iya udah dibela-belain kayak gini kga nemu juga? Mau maraaah kga siih?!

Entah apa yang membuat gw menengadah ke atas, memandang gedung pasar dengan dengusan lelah dan putus harapan.
Dan saat itulah keajaiban seperti ditumpahkan dari langit tepat di depan muka gw: “COOKED FOOD CENTER” tertulis di sebuah papan penunjuk.

“hyaaaahhh!!!!” sorak gw sambil nunjuk papan itu dan bergegas mendahului teman gw untuk menaiki anak tangga gedung.
Oooh, jangan tanya berapa anak tangga yang sudah kami daki selama 4 hari di Hongkong karena jawabannya adalah... mencapai RIBUAAAANNN!!! (dan FYI gw tidak hiperbolis disini!)

Tapi demi bebek, i’ll climb millions of stairs if i have to!
Begitu gw buka pintu menuju area makanan, gw pun disambut dengan puluhan restoran.
Seperti food court, namun letaknya di pasar tradisional.
Aiyayayay... kenapa semuanya pake tulisan garis horizontal-vertikal-diagonal giniih!
Yang mana yang “WAI KEE”???

Dan gw baru kali itu merasakan cinta dan lega berlebihan saat melihat tulisan Arab membentuk kata “halal” tertera pada sebuah papan nama restoran yang letaknya di dekat pintu keluar.
AAKKKH, heaven!

Dengan bingung, gw pun memesan pada engkoh engkoh di situ.
Si engkoh pun menggiring gw untuk duduk di suatu meja dan menyuruh gw untuk menunjuk menu.
Famous Roasted Duck with rice jadi pilihan pertama, lalu gw menambah Wonton Noodle Duck.
Gak lama, si engkoh yang sama datang dan memberitakan kabar buruk bahwa si Wonton habis, dan gw pun memesan Chicken and Duck with rice.

Sambil celingukan merhatiin suasana food court, gw tergugu pada meja di belakang gw.
Porsinya JUMBO abis!!
Gimana gw ngabisinnya?!?!?!
Gw pun panik abis, sementara temen gw gak peduli, yang penting kedua kakinya bisa istirahat dan lambungnya bisa diisi fully tank.

15 menit kemudian, si engkoh datang membawakan si Famous Roasted Duck (ps: namanya memang begitu).
Beneran deh! Itu nasi apa gunung?!
BUANYAAAAAKKKKK buanget. Dan potongan bebeknya pun gede-gede.
Jadi nyesel, seharusnya pesen 1 porsi aja yaa buat berdua?

Saat temen gw menyuap menu pesanannya, dirinya pun membelalakkan kedua mata dan berseru, “enaaakkk!!!”
Gw yang penasaran pun menyendokkan nasi bebek itu. Bener. Enaaak.
Satu sendok. Dua sendok. Tiga.... Empat....

Untung gak sampe setengah porsi gw abisin, pesenan gw datang.
Combo ayam dan bebek. Rasanya liat gunungan nasi itu, gw mo nangis.
(dan kenapa juga gw pake nyemilin pesenan temen gw cobaaa!!!)

Beginilah wujud pesanan kami [note: khusus gambar famous roasted duck w/ rice, nasinya sudah habis 1/4nya *cengir*].

[the famous roasted duck w/ rice]

[chicken and famous roasted duck w/ rice]

Bagaimana enaknya si bebek?
Hmm.... tak terkatakan? Hehehe..
Sebenernya, rasa bebek itu masih bisa dipetakan di lidah gw, sampe sekarang.
Rasa pertama yang muncul adalah asin, akibat kombinasi garam dan MSG sepertinya, hahaha.
Tapi si bebek ini diguyur sedikit saus sejenis kecap yang menetralkan rasa asin itu.
Untungnya gw memesan chicken-duck adalah karena nasi gw juga ditaburi dengan daun ketumbar. Jujur, baru kali itu gw bersyukur makanan gw ditaburi daun beraroma mematikan itu. Ternyata daun ketumbar bisa jadi penetral rasa eneq yang manjur.

Selain rasa, tekstur bebeknya juga begitu lembut.
Yang paling gw suka adalah bagian kulitnya. Itu adalah “the best part”, dan gw sangat beruntung karena temen gw tidak menyukainya, jadi gw dapet ekstra porsi kulit, hihi.

Kulitnya tebel! Lapisan lemak dibawahnya gak kalah tebelnya. Hooeeehehe... ini yang gw cari! Begitu masuk mulut, wedewww!!
Garing di permukaan, tapi lemak tebal dibagian bawah kulitnya itu begitu kenyal dan meledak di mulut. Rasa lemaknya gak amis, tapi gak kecampur sama bumbu yang nempel di kulit. Waah... itu bener-bener bagian paling MUANTUAP dari seluruh bagian bebek yang disajikan deh. TOP ABEEESSHH.

Speaking-speaking tentang resto ini, eeh... dari sekian banyak restoran di futkort itu, ternyata restoran yang satu ini adalah restoran yang PALIIIIINNGGG penuh. Dan gak hanya yang memakai identitas muslim aja yang memenuhi meja kursi restoran ini. Yang pasti sih selama kami berjuang membersihkan isi piring, begitu banyak tamu yang datang dan pergi. Gak cuman pesen bebek, tapi juga kari.
Suatu saat, kari itu akan gw coba. Suatu saat...

Akh, ya... penasaran dengan nasib gundukan tak manusiawi itu?

Well, sepertinya memang benar kalo dibilang, “olahraga punya banyak kegunaan untuk tubuh”, dan salah satunya dalam kamus gw, “jalan kaki membuat GW sanggup menghabiskan nasi sebakul!

Percaya atau enggak, di piring gw hanya tersisa 5 sendok nasi, tanpa menyisakan serpihan daging ayam maupun bebeknya. Tapi kalo dihitung sama jumlah sendokan nasi saat gw nyemilin pesenan temen gw, maka impas dan itu artinya.... LUDES gw habiskan!

Berhubung kami berdua cukup baik hati, kami pun memesan satu porsi “famous roasted duck” ukuran sedang, untuk dicicip oleh teman-teman kami yang tidak bernasib mujur tidak mengikuti penjelajahan kami (ato malah beruntung gak ngikutin kita dan kedua kaki mereka mati rasa seketika?hihi)

2 porsi nasi bebek dan nasi ayam-bebek itu dihargai total 48$ sementara satu porsi bebek ukuran sedang dibandrol 45$
Jangan tanya sebanyak apa itu bebek ukuran sedang, karena kenyataannya adalah BUUANYUAK!
Busyet! Buat makan 5 orang juga masih ada sisanya, kecuali klo yang makan gw, hihi!!!

Berminat untuk nyobain THE “Famous Roasted Duck” keluaran WAI KEE HALAL RESTAURANT itu?
Well, saran gw adalah kalo mo jalan kaki, turunlah di Causeway Bay MTR Station dan keluar di pintu yang mengarah ke Times Square. Dari situ tinggal jalan ke arah Bowrington sekitar 2 blok (bandingkan bila keluar di Wan Chai doongg). Begitu sampai Bowrington, langsung aja cari gedung pasar dan masukilah (kga usah keluyuran di pasar beceknya) lalu naek sampe ke lantai lima.
Voila, cari aja yang ada simbol Arab ‘halal’, dan selamat menikmati bebek halal itu ^^V

Cheers .

Buset, mentang-mentang the best part, panjang bener note-nya yaak? ^^V

Bebek ini jadi “the best part” bukan hanya karena kehalalannya, tapi juga karena perjuangan menemukannya, rasa, dan kenyataan kalo... “Gw maniak bebek” hihi.

Cheers again!

Monday, September 14, 2009

mulder & scully

I'd rather be liberated,
I find myself captivated

Stop doing what you . . . Keep doing it too . . .

I'd rather stay bold and lonely,
I dream I'm your one and only

Stop doing what you . . . Keep doing it too . . .

Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry
This could be a case for Mulder and Scully
Things are getting strange, now I can't sleep alone

I'd rather be jumping ship,
I find myself jumping straight in

Stop doing what you . . . Keep doing it too . . .

Forever be dozy and dim,
I wake myself thinking of him

Stop doing what you . . . Keep doing it too . . .

Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry
This could be a case for Mulder and Scully
Things are getting strange, now I can't sleep alone (here)

My bed is made for two and there's nothing I can do
So tell me something I don't know
If my head is full of you is there nothing I can do?
Must we all march in two by two by two?

And as for some happy ending,
I'd rather stay single and thin

Stop doing what you . . . Keep doing it to me

Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry
This could be a case for Mulder and Scully
Things are getting strange, now I can't sleep alone here

Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry
This could be a case for Mulder and Scully
Things are getting strange, now I can't sleep alone

So what have you got to say about that?
And what does someone do without love?
And what does someone do with love?
And what have you got to say about that?

[now dear, is it obvious what i’m in now?]

Almost forgot how it feels...

thanks for showing it again ^___^

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Culinary Walk pt. 4: Hongkong – Claypot Rice “Hing Kee Restaurant”

Ada untungnya juga menjelajahi tempat baru dengan modal sepasang kaki, walau itu artinya harus bawa persediaan paru-paru lebih dan counterpain segudang, hehehe.

Sepulang dari menikmati Chicken Rice Pa Don (Culinary Walk pt. 3), kami memutuskan untuk.... JALAN KAKI dari Temple Street ke Mongkok *grinning*

Apakah itu jauh?
Jawabannya tidak
Karena pada kenyataannya, jarak dua daerah itu adalah SANGAT jauh
I’m so proud of my two beautiful feet!!

Anyway, gak akan cerita betapa jauhnya tempat itu, yang mau gw ceritain adalah keberadaan warung makan yang cukup tersohor seantero Hongkong ini, yang kami temukan secara tidak sengaja.

Dari Temple Street, kami sampai di daerah Jade Market, tempat yang lebih banyak menjual aneka suvenir dan barang-barang langka. Mungkin kalo direndengin sama Jakarta, sekitaran Jalan Surabaya kali ya? Tapi versi miniaturnya.
Nah, sibuk liat kiri-kanan, kami tak menyadari kalau sudah sampai di penghujung jalanan itu, yang ternyata tidak didominasi oleh tenda jualan suvenir/fashion, melainkan makanan

Yah, terbukti memang, kalo orang-orang Hongkong itu demen buanget makan sepertinya.

Babi...babi..babi...dan aroma tubuh paman buntet berwarna pink itu terus menerus menguar menusuk indera penciuman gw. Untung, udah lumayan terbiasa, hihi.

Namun diantara aroma babi, gw mendapati aroma lain. Kayak nasi kebakar.
Lalu mulailah gw memperhatikan isi restoran/kedai yang gw lewati itu. Ternyata, berderet-deret itu adalah kedai claypot rice.
Gw belum sadar sampe gw mendapati nama, dan gambar di papan yang berdiri di depan kedai-kedai itu.

HING KEE RESTAURANT – Claypot Rice & Oyster Cake

Mata gw pun membelalak lebar, “HAAA?!?! Ini tempat yang gw cari itu!
Sekali lagi: sebuah kebetulan yang indah!

Sontak gw ngajak temen gw nyoba, tapi secara perut masih fully-tank, alhasil kami pun menangguhkan niatan mulia itu hingga keesokan malamnya.

Keesokan malamnya, kami pun menjalankan misi mulia tersebut.

Tanpa ragu, memasuki resto berukuran sempit (sempit banget! Kayak warung baso!), duduk bersama beberapa ori yang tengah menikmati nasi dan oyster cake.

FYI, Hing Kee Restaurant ini memang kesohor di HongKong sebagai pioneer claypot rice dan oyster cake. Restoran-nya sih sebenernya hanya satu atau dua (kecil pula) tapi di sepanjang jalan itu juga disebar meja dan kursi yang gunanya buat nampung pengungjung resto yang gak ketampung.

Oke, back to what happened in that restaurant.
Disodori buku menu, gw pun memilih “oyster cake” ukuran sedang dan “chicken & black mushroom claypot rice”.
Semuanya dilakukan dengan tunjuk gambar saja, hehehe.

Tunggu ditunggu, ternyata... lama yee!

Menu pertama yang sampe di meja adalah “oyster cake” atau bahasa kerennya “dadar tiram”, hehehe.
Jadi, “oyster cake” itu adalah dadar telur dengan bawang daun yang banyak dan daging (kerang) tiram yang gak kalah banyaknya. Disajikan panas-panas dan disantap dengan soysauce/sambal.

Ehm.... sebagaimana rasa dadar telor pada umumnya memang, hanya saja yang unik itu ya si tiramnya. Mungkin karna komposisi daging tiram dan bawangnya lebih banyak, maka bisa dikatakan enak, karna gak rugi ngeluarin 20$ untuk tiram sebanyak ini, hihi.

Udah ngalor ngidul ngomongin banyak hal sampe diskusi pesbuk segala (hiperbolis deh), claypot rice kga dateng-dateng. Sempet berpikir jangan-jangan dilupakan. Mana pelayannya sibuk berCecetCowet dalam bahasa nenek moyangnya pula! Jadi berasa dibodohi dan diomongin, padahal mungkin enggak ya? (ini salah satu alasan kenapa gw merasa perlu belajar bahasa asing. Biar tau kalo diomongin, trus bisa gw jawab gitu!)

Yang ditunggu-tunggu pun datang, setelah sekian lama menanti.
Satu panci kecil tanah liat yang tertutup dan dalam kondisi super panas ditangkringin di meja depan idung gw.
Penasaran, gw pun mengintip isinya: nasi yang hampir memenuhi panci, potongan-potongan besar ayam dan potongan-potongan sedang jamur shitake, dilengkapi dengan potongan daun bawang segar.
Sontak, aroma khas nasi bakarpun menggelitik kedua hidung.
Ambil poto dulu dooong!

Puas mengabadikan, gw pun mengadukaduk isi claypot itu dan aroma nasi-jamur-ayam-rempah-rempah pun makin menerjang hidung hingga menembus lambung. Napsu gw meronta-ronta ingin segera mencicipnya..

Hmm.... enak ato lebih tepatnya unik
Rasa rempah Cina-nya kerasa (sepertinya memakai arak juga)
Tapi bumbunya kurang lekooh (dasar orang Indonesia!)
Alhasil, gw tambahin deh soy sauce, gw aduk sampe rata dan gw tutup kembali untuk sekian detik, biar lebih meresap.

Kali kedua, rasanya lebih baik dan memang jadi lebih nikmat.
Apalagi setelah sedikit dituangi sambal, biar lebih menggigit.
Sepertinya ini hak prerogratif customer yang dijunjung tinggi oleh si pemilik resto: bebas berkreasi dengan bumbu, hihi.

Gw suka dengan sensasi kematengan si nasi itu sendiri. Gak lembek, tapi juga gak keras. Kering tapi tetep lembab. Lalu bumbu rempahnya gak merusak totalitas rasa. Baik rasa nasi, ayam, dan jamur itu berdiri sendiri-sendiri tapi begitu masuk mulut, semuanya mengaduk. Biarpun udah ditambah soysauce maupun sambel, originalitas rasanya gak rusak.

Secara baru juga nyobain claypot rice, gw gak punya referensi lain, maka itu gw bilang sih claypot rice di Hing Kee Restaurant itu enak
Beberapa temen gw yang nyobain sih bilang cukup enak.

Oia lucunya lagi, selidik diselidik, temen gw ada yang pesen duck tongue claypot rice.
Tebak-tebak yang dateng apa??
Claypot rice dengan topping paruh bebek. Harganya paling mahal (mungkin karena untuk satu pot membutuhkan 10ekor bebek untuk diambil paruhnya doang yaa??hehe)
Sayang gw kga nyobain tuh karna rombongan pertama sudah selesai makan saat kami datang ke resto itu.

Anyway, claypot rice dan oyster cake itu sendiri memang jadi makanan khas di Hongkong. Ada beberapa restoran lagi yang juga menyajikan kedua menu tersebut dan tersebar di penjuru negara bekas jajahan Inggris itu. Kemungkinan besar sih rasanya gak beda jauh, tapi mungkin variasi toppingnya yang berbeda dari satu tempat ke tempat lain.

Well, lain kali kalo ke Hongkong lagi, mungkin gw harus menambahkan “berburu claypot rice” dalam jadwal, hehe.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Culinary Walk pt. 3: Hongkong - Chicken Rice Pa Ho

Nyari makanan halal di Hongkong sama aja kayak nyari Brandon Boyd di Pasar Senen: Kagak Bakalan Dapet!
Mangsud dari kalimat hiperbolis ini adalah SUSAH.
Ada.... tapi syusyaaaa.
Apalagi yang bener-bener halal. Ke laut aja deeeh.

Setelah mengelilingi Temple Street Night Market yang sumpeeeeh... deretan restorannya itu lebih seru dibanding Ladies Market. Kalo di Ladies Market yang berjejer-jejer itu restoran babibebek, kalo di Temple Street Night Market, yang merajalela adalah seafood. Padahal kga deket sama laut juga gituloooh.

Ngelilingin jalan itu kalo kga ngiler mah kga mungkin daaah! Apalagi dengan brosur “free beer” terpajang di meja. Hmm.... kalo kga inget sama isi dompet dan Akang Hyde yang lagi ngaso di kasur hostel mah, gw udah duduk disalah satu resto itu menyantap seafood dan sebotol (ato 2?) bir daaah!!!

Biar gak makin mati keabisan air liur yang netes mulu dari mulut, gw sama temen gw pun memutuskan untuk alih langkah. Menjauhi deretan resto seafood itu, menuju satu jalanan yang lebih lengang. Tapi disitu juga deretan restoran.

Perut udah melilit euy.
Masa’ sampe tengah malem yang ngisi lambung cuma satu McChicken sama sepotong muffin? Aiiih, ini namanya diet paling sadis!
Gimana gak sadis kalo seharian: naek turun gunung, tangga dan JALAN KAKI, tapi isi perut hanya burger mungil dan muffin tak kalah imut.
Seharian bow’ demi pengiritan dalam menikmati negara orang. Ckckckck....

Saat ditengah keletihan, kelaparan dan kegilaan itu, muncullah satu papan dengan tulisan dalam bahasa cina yang sepertinya berarti: “paket hemat”
Wakakakaksss... kami jadi ahli baca pertanda selama di jalanan dengan tulisan aneh itu.

Ditiliktilik ditiliktilik..
Ini restoran hanya menyediakan ayam dan nasi dan mie.
At least, ayam-ayam montok yang bergelantungan itu tidak dibayang-bayangi paman babi.
Lalu satu lagi yang menarik perhatian kami (dan tertulis di papan itu) “NO MSG”
Hmm... makanan sehat nampaknya.
Lagian, papan itu menampilkan sesuatu yang makin membulatkan tekad kami untuk menjadikannya surga untuk memenuhi lambung kami: “Chicken Rice 20$”, “Chicken Noodle 20$”

Makanan muraaah!!!

Kami sempet berlalu untuk diskusi, padahal mas-mas greeternya udah berCecetCowet aja.
Dan kami pun kembali dengan cengiran lembar.

“is it kind of economic-package?”
Mas-mas itu gak bisa bahasa Inggris, jadi manggut-manggut lalu nyuruh kami masuk kedalam kedai. Kami yang kelaparan nian pun melangkah memasuki kedai kecil yang aiiih... rame loh bow.

Mba-mba pramusaji, tanpa nunggu, langsung menghadiahi kami 2 gelas teh tawar. Gw pun tanpa malu bilang, mau menu yang di papan itu. Si mba manggut-manggut dan langsung menyampaikan pada si pemasak yang berada dibalik dapur. Dapurnya termasuk open kitchen, jadi bisa kita liat.

Cepet banget!
Gak sampe 10menit, udah nyampe pesenan kami.

Nasi ayam. Dan.... mie ayam? Hehehe...
Beginilah tampaknya....

Yang ijo-ijo itu, bukan wasabi, tapi daun ketumbar+sereh+jahe dihalusin buat netralin rasa.

Rasanya sendiri?
Jujur? PLAIN.
Karena gak pake MSG kali yee?
Untung ada soysauce dan kecap ikan. Lumayan ngasih rasa laah.
Tapi emang gak berlemak sama sekali.
Kuahnya bening.

Untuk seharga 30ribuan sih, bisa dibilang ini makanan MENGENYANGKAN sekali. Porsinya besar. Potongan ayamnya banyak, sampe udah bosen. Segitu udah paket hemat yang dikurangin porsinya looh...
yang asli? Wudieeewww, buanyak tapi dapet sayur sawi juga.

Lumayan mengenyangkan dan lumayan juga ‘cukup’ halal hehehe....
At least, jadi bekel yang lumayan mengganjal dan mampu menyokong kaki dalam menapaki Nathan Road kembali ke Mongkok yang nota bene, jaraknya itu.... 10 kiloan ada kali ye? Jarak 3 station MTR lah. Pastinya saat kembali memeluk Akang Hyde, perut gw masih terasa pas kepenuhannya. HAHAHAHA!!!!

Kedai chicken rice yang satu ini sih gak termasuk yang recommended banget. Walau saat nyobain chicken rice punya temen yang dibeli di suatu tempat di Mongkok, ternyata punya Pa Ho itu lebih enak chicken rice-nya.

Buat yang merasa perlu untuk mengurangi MSG dan secara di Hongkong semua masakan MSGnya segudang, naah... resto ini bolehlah disambangi. Apalagi kalo pas lagi belanja di Temple Street Night Market. Adanya di suatu jalan antara Jordan MTR Station sama Temple Street. Gw juga gak tau nama jalannya, hahahaha!!! Gini nih, kalo ngandalin kaki sama idung doang buat menuntun langkah.

Tapi kedai chicken rice sendiri (bukan cuman punya si Pa Ho itu yaa) tersebar kok, tinggal perhatiin aja, si paman babi yang gempal itu ikutan mejeng di etalase ato enggak. Yaah, setidaknya gak keliatan jelas banget gak halalnya gitulaah. Masalah si ayam dimatiinnya dibacain ‘Bismillah’ ato enggak mah itu udah jelas banget enggak kan? Mungkin aja si pejagal ayam matiinnya dengan ngebanting si ayam dan teriak, “mati loe!” hahaha!

Cheers anyway!

Culinary Walk pt. 2: Macau – Margareth Nata de Café

Masih di Macau.
Dikasih tau café yang satu ini sama pemilik hostel Auguster’s Lodge saat pertama kali ke Macau. Gara-garanya penasaran sama egg tart bikinan Lord Stowe yang ternyata kalo dari kota Macaunya tuh JAUUUUHH (karena letaknya di Coloane, ujung-ujungan katanya).

Nah, menurut Richard (si empunya hostel itu), justru di Margareth ini egg tartnya lebih enak dari Lord Stowe. Nanya alamat sama si Richard, dia bilang, “ya ampun, deket kok. Di jalan bla bla bla, di belakang hostel ini.” (ya situ bilang deket, apan situ tinggal di kota ini, lha kita mana tau!)

Entah mengapa kami melupakan informasi itu.

Baru setelah balik dari Hongkong kami kembali lagi ke daerah Senado untuk beli oleh-oleh, mendadak pas mo nyebrang jalan, gw mendapati papan nama kecil dari triplex dengan tulisan “Margareth Nata de café”.
Sontak, gw teriak, “Mba! Margareth!
Tanpa pikir panjang, kami pun menyusuri gang kecil sesuai petunjuk triplek itu. Dan sampailah kami ke sebuah kedai bakery sederhana dan rumahan banget. Letaknya emang nyempil, di dalem gang yang sekelilingnya gedung pertokoan. Begitu terisolasi dari jalan raya.

Apa yang kami pesan?
So pasti: 2 egg tart, 1 prune cake dan 2 hot tea
Dirogoh-rogoh recehnya deeeh (secara udah bokek dari Hongkong!!)

Duduk di beranda Margareth, yang pertama digigit adalah egg tart.
Langsung jatuh cinta gw!
Pastrynya begitu renyah, dengan rasa gurih yang pas.
Dan puding custardnya... lembuuuuttt melumer di lidah.
Seandainya recehan untuk naek bis masih sisa banyak, tentu gw akan bawa bekel ke bandara. Sialaaaan!!

Bagaimana dengan prune cake yang dipesan?
Gak kalah menyenangkannya. Rasanya gak terlalu manis. Perbandingan gulanya pas, gak matiin manis buah prune itu sendiri. Pokoknya TOP.

Waah, ini namanya blessing in disguise!
Gak kecewa deh.

Lucunya, saat kami perhatikan bangunan yang membelakangi kami, barulah kami menyadari kalo.... café ini letaknya MEMANG TEPAT di belakang hostel itu bila kami masuk dari gang berlawanan dari jalan yang tadi kami tempuh. Aiiih mo mateee. Hanya saja karna masuk gang, jadi gak keliatan dan kami terlalu gak yakin sama gang-gang gelap di negara orang. Aakkkh, ternyataaah!!!

dan setelah gw balik ke Indo, lalu browsing, ternyata justru induk Lord Stowe itu adalah si Margareth itu sendiri. Pantesan enaaakkk!!

Gw sudah membuktikan kenikmatan Margareth dengan dua perbandingan egg tart keluaran toko kue "KOI KEI Pastelaria" (yang beken mampus di Macau) dan keluaran kedai sepanjang Senado. Ternyata kerenyahan pastry dan kelembutan puding custardnya itulah yang jadi JAWARA dari Margareth.
Hmm.. yummy.

Kali kedua gw ke Macau, café ini jadi tempat perhentian terakhir dengan flag WAJIB KUNJUNG.

Sepotong egg tart, sepotong potato pudding dan sepotong prune cake hadir menemani sambil mengistirahatkan kedua kaki yang mulai membengkak dan mengeras itu.

(ki-ka: prune cake, potato pudding, egg tart)

Akkkh, potato pudding itu menu baru yang gw coba. Rasanya? Uuggghhh.. Oiishi neeee!!!
Manisnya pas, gak bikin terlalu kenyang dan lembut. Sebenernya rasanya kaya kue lumpur, hanya saja yang ini adonannya dituang kedalam loyang dan dipanggang (tidak dicetak-cetak bulat kecil gitu) dan perbandingan kentangnya juga lebih banyak dibanding tepungnya, jadi masih kerasa kentangnya.

Gw bisa bilang kalo kedai kue homemade yang satu ini berada dalam daftar MUST TRY.
Karena kue-kuenya enak semua dengan rasa, dan tekstur yang PAS.

Dan harganya pun cukup reasonable dengan potongan sebesar itu. Maksud gw, cake dan potato pudding itu bisa dihabiskan untuk berdua kok!
Berapa harga kue-kue itu? Berkisar antara 7$HK - 8$HK

Kalo ke Macau mau nyobain egg tart yang enak pilihannya emang cuman dua: Margareth Nata de Café atau Lord Stow. Bisa pilih salah satu ato keduanya, buat perbandingan. Gw sendiri, sampe kali kedua ke Macau, belum nyobain Lord. Mungkin suatu saat balik lagi dan bisa mampir ke Coloane khusus buat egg tart tersohor itu. Amiiiieeeennn...

Selamat nyoba buat yang rencana ke sono ^^


Friday, July 24, 2009

F... You by Lily Allen

Look inside, look inside your tiny mind, then look a bit harder

Cause we're so uninspired, so sick and tired, of all the hatred you harbour
So you say it's not OK to be gay, well I think you're just evil
You're just some racist, who can't tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval

Fuck you (fuck you)
Fuck you very very much
Cause we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you (fuck you)
Fuck you very very much
Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Do you get, do you get a little kick out of being small-minded?
You want to be like your father, it's approval you're after
Well that's not how you find it
Do you, do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful?
Cause there's a hole where your soul should be
You're losing control a bit
And it's really distasteful

Fuck you (fuck you)
Fuck you very very much
Cause we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you (fuck you)
Fuck you very very much
Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you, (fuck you, fuck you)
Fuck you, (fuck you, fuck you)
Fuck you

You say you think we need to go to war
Well you're already in one
Cause it's people like you
That need to get slew
No one wants your opinion

Fuck you (fuck you)
Fuck you very very much
Cause we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you (fuck you)
Fuck you very very much
Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you
Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you

Been not writing anything here for quite some times, and this song, is a good one to start the new following threads here (if there are ones, someday, later maybe?) *LOL*

Enjoy it and yes I’ll scream it to your face, loud and clear: “FUCK YOU!!!” *laughing my head off*

Cheers? =D

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Listening MONORAL : Enjoy Riding The Rollercoaster Of Emotions

It’s like riding a rollercoaster of emotions and somehow you never get bored of it because it changes a lot and unexpectedly surprising.

That’s what I told my friend who’s wondering why on earth I get so addicted listening to the band MONORAL.

Riding a rollercoaster of emotions?
Hmm… indeed.
Well, at least that’s what I get every time I put those albums and mini albums of the band in my playlist and let them all playing for some times.
Honestly? I haven’t changed the playlist for so long and keep those collections of MONORAL I have being played 8 straight hours a day as assistance to my ears during working at the office.
Sometimes, after listening to every song of MONORAL, I have this kind of a feeling: feeling of tired or exhausted, it seems like those songs I’ve just listened to are soaking me to the bones, suffocating. But that doesn’t make me stop listening to them, because unconsciously, I’ve already let them playing again and again.

I don’t know, but I think the songs, the lyrics, the music and the how vocalist of MONORAL (yes, Anis Shimada it is) sings or how the bassist (Ali Morizumi) supports the songs are just capturing emotions of them all, very well.

hmm, it seems like the duo manage to pour their hearts into a song so that each and every one of the songs has its own soul, its own emotion, or chemistry. And that makes the song feels like alive and somehow it grows in you.

But if you’d like to put on a super size headphones instead of speakers and turn the volume up until you can no longer hear what’s going on around you and it seems like only you living in a MONORAL world, then you’ll not only ride a rollercoaster of emotions, but also… you’ll experience so much cool noises and interesting sounds as well.

Probably those noises or sounds you’ll hear not the original ones, but somehow this band can mix them all into something interesting and… should I say… sexy? *big grin*

I like the how these two guys can create a wide range of music. From a very rockin’ blast to a popish ballads and amazingly can also create catchy exotic rock sounds. And you can find them all even in one album. So it’s pretty interesting I have to say.

And reading the lyrics of every song, I actually don’t want to praise them this much but, what can I say?
They can be romantic without being poetic, they can be pathetic in a funny way, they can be mean in a polite way, they might be angry but they’re still smiling nicely and they even can be friends in disguise, or even enemies?

And funny thing is they’re not two kinds of genius musicians, indigo or whatever.

I have to say that Anis Shimada (the vocalist) is not a perfect singer with a glamorous vocal range that roars the hall, even comparing like those in American Idol maybe? (hahaha!)
And Ali Morizumi (the bassist) plays the bass like a common bassist will do with no such of blasting specialty. I can even say that he’s nothing comparing to Tetsu of Laruku ^^V (forgive me, but I’m trying to be fair here and that’s what my ears speaking)

But I have to admit that they are indeed smart.
They are smart in combining those music and lyrics in a right proportion.
Maybe they’re not the greatest, they just two ordinary musicians with ordinary music, ordinary lyrics, but they do manage to combine all those ordinary things into something beautiful.

This is cool I’d gladly say.
And I have to say it again that I haven’t got bored of this band… yet. I don’t know when. Hopefully won’t.

To those who’ve never heard any of MONORAL, you should try and give them a listen and enjoy riding the rollercoaster of emotions… and sounds.
As to the MONORAL, I have to send a message “keep making those beautiful music guys!” *big grin*

credit to the photo here:
the photo is taken without any permittion on a site (sadly i kinda forget what site it is), it's an interview *grinning*

Now I think I’m over flooding my own blog with MONORAL-ism. Would that mean I have to manage another blog where I can put all those MONORAL-ism I have learnt? *sighing*
(this is what you actually get if you have a restless Brian I guess. It’s a blissful and a killing at the very same time)

Bestfriending with the ears: MONORAL (the whole of them)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Culinary Walk pt. 1: Macau – Hot Milk Pudding

Dari pertama kali ke negara yang satu ini, gw sama TEN, udah penasaran sama kedai yang terletak di ujung mulut Senado Square itu. Alesannya?

>> karena kedai ini selalu PENUH (well oke, kedai mana sih di Macau yang GAK SELALU penuh?!)
>> karena di etalase toko ini ada lemari pendingin segede bagong yang isinya mangkuk-mangkuk putih dengan isi yang juga putih. Mangkuknya BANYAAAAAKKKKK buanget.
>> karena seluruh hiasan kedai ini adalah SAPI: poto sapi, patung sapi dan aneka jenis pajangan laennya yang menampilkan si sapi ini!

Namun sampai hari terakhir kami di Macau, kedai ini tak juga kami sambangi. Alasannya?

>> karena ragu akan kehalalannya
>> walau gak mungkin, tapi kami sempet begok berpikir “mungkinkah itu patung babi sebenernya?!”
>> karena males ngantri begitu liat jubelan orang yang berkerumun di pintu kedai
>> karena takut harganya mahal.
>> karena kami pada dasarnya kehabisan duit.
Butir 4 dan 5 harap dihilangkan, menurunkan derajat dan martabat saja!!!

Oke, balik ke cerita intinya (emang ada intinya?)
Kemarin, kali kedua gw ke Macau bareng beberapa temen kantor, gw membulatkan tekad, “kedai rame bin mbludak itu harus seenggaknya gw cari tau dia jualan paan, dan gw harus pastiin kalo patung itu BENAR adanya seekor SAPI bukan babi dicat putih item dan disuntik hormon pembesar.” ^^V

Lalu, setelah kesasar dan harus berJALANKAKI selama 2 JAM (maapkan mb NUUII^^V) gw pun memantapkan hati dan kedua kaki ini untuk melangkah ke kedai itu.

Dan ternyata.... baru buka!
Begitu masuk, disambut dengan CecetCowet pramusajinya yang tak kami mengerti (karena dalam bahasa Cina)

Akh ya, patung di meja resepsionis itu BENAR adanya seekor SAPI. Dan poto itu, benar juga sapi raksasa dengan payudara MUONTOK-MUONTOK (dan dipastikan bukan babi disuntik hormon ^^)

Pramusaji kembali berCecetCowet, dan gw pun berujar, “MILK?”
Lalu dirinya pun manggut-manggut.
“Two,” ujar gw sambil ngangkat jari bikin angka 2. “MILK”
“okay, okay” si pramusaji menggiring kami ke satu tempat duduk.
“HOT? Cold?” tanya pramusaji lagi.
“Ooh, okay okay”

Dia pergi ke dapur, kami ditinggal bengong, duduk berhadapan dan memandangi sekeliling kedai itu. Banyak sapi. Bau susu.
Tapi.... bercampur juga dengan bau babi.
Eh, ternyata ada yang pesan bacon dan mie babi diseberang sana HAHAHAHA (kehalalan sangat diragukan nampaknya)

Bengong liat kiri, liat kanan.
Susu gak dateng-dateng, sementara ibu-ibu pemesan mie babi sedang menikmati tiap untai mie sambil merem melek (iyalah, kalo merem terus mah tidur kali).

Apakah sapinya diperah dulu?
Tunggu ditunggu, tetap tidak kunjung datang.
Mati gaya.
Liat daftar menu aja!
Sia-sia. Semua dalam tulisan garis horisontal-vertikal-diagonal.
Gak ngerti!
Yang tau cuma deretan angka yang mengikutinya 16$... 20$... 7$... 14$

Hmm.... *garukgaruk*

Hampir 30 menit berselang.
Pramusaji datang dengan membawa dua.....

2 mangkuk kecil porselein warna putih dengan 2 sendok bebek juga dari porselein.
Keduanya panas.

Kami melongok kedalam isi mangkuk itu.
Susu itu menciut!
Dan.... mengental?

Ternyata, kalo pesen susu panas, di Macau atau Hongkong itu yang disodorin adalah pudding susu.

Jangan tanya bagaimana proses pengentalan (yang makan waktu cukup lama itu!) susu itu, karena nanya harga aja sama pramusajinya pake bahasa isyarat kok. Yang pasti susu sapi yang putih nian serupa dengan mangkuk dan sendoknya itu, mengental bagai puding, begitu halus dan tercipta sedikit lapisan air di bagian atasnya.

Kami mengasumsikan, mangkuk-mangkuk di mesin pendingin itu berisi biang puding susu ini yang berasal dari kepala susu kental. Lalu entah bagaimana caranya, dikentalkan hingga membentuk pudding (mungkin dengan bantuan minyak babi?HAHAHAHAHA!!!!)

Nah, bagaimana rasanya?
Manisnya pas. Kekentalannya juga pas. Melumer dengan sempurna di lidah.
Dan santaplah selagi panas, karena kalau dingin bisa mencair dan pisah-pisah sama lapisan airnya.

Untuk satu mangkuk kecil puding susu panas dibandrol harga.... 16$ ...... SAJAH *cynically mode: ON*
(seumur idup, gw baru makan puding seharga hampir 30rebu!!! Untuk semangkuk kecil pulaaak!)

Berminat nyobain?
Kalo iseng-iseng judi di Macau, redakanlah stress akibat kalah taruhan dengan menyeruput pudding susu ini, hehehe. Tempatnya gampang banget ditemuin. Tinggal ke Senado Square. Jejerannya kedai Starbucks Senado. Letaknya sebelum Tourism Information Center (kalo dari depan), deket money changer. Pokoknya kedai dengan hiasan sapi deh (dan selalu PENUH)

Selamat menikmati!
Ditanggung pengen lagi dan lagi dan lagi.
Tapi itu artinya, harus KAYA :D


Posted a while ago in my Facebook note

Thursday, June 11, 2009


That’s been a while since they posted the title in their MySpace blog and I was already insanely proud of the band (and jealous at the same time to the US fans), I mean… touring the US for the non-US-bands is truly something BIG.
I’d been waiting for the following news about this (the venue, the dates and all the stuffs) and kept checking the MySpace page also their official site, but still none, so I started ignoring it, until yesterday noon.

While hanging out with bunch of friends in a café, I was silently sliding away from the crowd into my autism world, checking emails (that I had neglected for some times) and WHOAAAA!!! I was shouting out loud, surprising everyone around, when I hit the message “New Blog from VAMPS”.
I had a guess this would be something about the tour in US.

As I opened the link, I was burst in tears of cheers.
They finally make it to the US!
Not only because it’s in a very short period since the band is formed but also because…. They haven’t even released the album, YET.
Way to go guys! GREAT.

And as I checked the news again and read it more carefully, I noticed this “WARPED TOUR” (on July 12th and 14th) on the list.
I stopped scrolling and then, widening my eyes.
They even made it to the WARPED TOUR?!?!
As far as I know, WARPED TOUR has always been flooded by many rock bands and the crowds are HUGE (if it’s not MASSIVE).

So I checked the Warped Tour’ site for the line ups and sadly it hasn’t published the line-ups bands to perform there. I guess I’ll just wait later to check it out again.

But the fact that VAMPS will be touring US, and also participate in WARPED TOUR does SOMETHING for the band and also for the Japanese Music Industry I believe.

Thou I’m TOTALLY positive won’t be able to go and share the crowd, I absolutely support the band for touring the US. Maybe more cities/countries will be on the list later, some when after September 2009 (since I notice the schedule is full and they’ll be rea~~~lly busy touring until September or so)

And for the fans of VAMPS who luckily live in US (any part of that country) or probably those who love Japanese music but have no idea about VAMPS, OR to those of you who adore music and curious about any kind of genre and would love to widen your music archive, do PURCHASE THE TICKET TO VAMPS US TOUR 2009 (anywhere around the US) and experience fun times with them.
I can tell it would be bloody FUNtastic live that you won’t regret to go.


(Soon as you get back from there… and recover from severe nosebleed *big grin*, REPORT Pleaaaseee ^^V)


Check out the VAMPS US Tour 2009 news here:

And for the updated news, please embrace yourself to have an urge to visit their officially sites:

The Tickets Sales

Side Info on Warped Tour:
The Bands
Buy The Tickets

Side note:
But soon as I finished writing this post, I sighed, the heaviest one.
Now I know why I hate being a citizen of my country :P
To obtain the US visa, here in my country, is never been that easy. Shit!

So I guess, I’ll just continue with my bo~~~ring life, and ooh, to light it up a little, maybe I’ll spend summer holyday as I had planned before: going to BALI.
But in order to feel the VAMPS, I’ll guess I’ll bring along VAMPS collection I have (still only 4 singles)…

Won’t rant again about how unlucky I am in this kind of thing… I’ll sign off now.

Don’t forget:



Friday, June 05, 2009

Trouble Is A Friend by Lenka

Trouble Is A Friend
by: Lenka

He will find you no matter where you go
Oh, oh
No matter if you're fast, No matter if you're slow
Oh, oh
The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn
Oh, oh
You're fine for a while
But you start to lose control

He's there in the dark He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble is a friend of mine Ahh

Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe
Oh, oh
And no matter what I feed him
He always seems to grow
Oh, oh
He sees what I see
And he knows what I know
Oh, oh
So don't forget
As you ease on down my road

He's there in the dark He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed
If he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win
But I'm a sucker for his charm
For his charm
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble is a friend of mine

How I hate the way
He makes me feel
And how I try
To make him leave
I try
Oh, oh, I try



A while ago i decided to temporary close this blog (to export the contents to my other private blog), since i found there’s a stalker been hanging around in my page and spent times too long here for a normal visitor should be.

i’d been monitoring this person’s IP Address, referall URL, pages visiting, the frequency of visiting and of course the time length spent here. It's been a month, or two, for sure. and i’m wondering don’t this person has something else to do than wandering in my page for that long? Like a job maybe, a normal daily work from 8 to 5, with all the deadlines and reports? I mean spending hours here, in a day, for e-ve-ry-day?!! is that a new job?? I don’t quite remember how my page can actually pay someone’s monthly spends anyway (if that’s so, then why i still can’t travel the world in 5stars budget??!!)
It’s quite disgusting if it’s not annoying and irritating, actually.
And i’m pretty concern about the contents here, thou none here is personal, but i’m aware of the possibility of copying the whole ideas i’m pouring here.

Should i close this blog permanently? I’ve been thinking about it, and this idea is actually still in my prior list of action towards this stalker.

Ooh, well... it seems like trouble is a friend of mine? Neah... trouble is our friend. Period.

So i re-open this blog, but soon will close this as the stalker comes back again.
And to the ‘normal’ visitors who’ve been on my guest list for so very long period, since i start blogging, i’ll let you know my new blog, and the password to enter it.


Friday, May 22, 2009

MONORAL – VIA (The Album): A (Mind) Journey via Heart

It’s been more than 6 months after the band MONORAL released their third full length album VIA, but those eleven songs still remain on my player, and regularly being played. And by saying regularly, I mean, DAILY *grinning*.
I’m not usually like this actually, sometimes I only spend a month listening non-stop to a new album and the next month I already change my play list into another new one. But this album is just like a dope to a certain level.

Talking about this album, probably I’m not the best one when it comes to musically-speaking, because I tend to let my heart listens to the music rather than my brain, so practically I’m dumb in music business. So what can my heart say about this album?

Well, actually, it’s not a big surprise seeing the album content. It still has the same MONORAL-ism: “simple but has a rich uniquely flavor of melody and sound that tightly wrapping a thick emotional filling”. [ps: I wrote that ‘filling’ correct, I never meant to write ‘feeling’ there ^^V]
So basically, it’s another enjoyable ride on a ‘rollercoaster of emotion’ as listening to their new album VIA.

BUT, one thing I discover after listening to the album constantly, continuously and orderly couple of times, is that this album I think is their first album that has a frame on it. I’m not talking about the jacket or the cover album, but I’m talking about a concept here. So the whole song in it is kind of flowing to one another, describing the same story about ‘a journey’.

Opened by the line “Everybody’s got somewhere to go, how about you?” in the opening song, ‘Everybody’s Way’, a less than 2 minutes song, I guess the album frame is pretty clearly said.
This line actually stole my attention first time listening to the album. It made me set aside anything else I was doing back then, and focus my whole senses in this album. I must say this line, this song, is perfectly placed as the opening. It actually gives me a precaution also that this album has a possibility of containing chaining-songs.

Well, what do you know? As listening to the second song, ‘You’, that started with a very rocking guitar rhythm, and the line “there’s nothing new about you, but I’m still with you.” It’s pretty much like an answer to the opening song, telling you that, “Well fine! You still have no idea which way you’re heading to, you still the same old brand new you, but hell, I’m still with you, all the way, no matter what.
So maybe this is what the album all about, maybe it’s a companion, a travel-mate in a journey to find the ‘You’. That’s what I thought and expected.

Heading up we have “Costa Rica”, as the third song, and I like the sounds of drum in the beginning of this song, pretty unique and somehow takes you to an exotic place. And thou I’ve never been to Costa Rica before, I’m sensing that this song is about miserable, a regret maybe, for not taking the right choice. Something that makes your life collides upside down.
Emptiness? Something like that I think.

But soon as I thought that the next song will be drowning me in darkness and despair, “Safira” came waking me out from the desperation. “Make your choice! Stand up, be brave!” or whatever it is, but it feels like a wake up call. This song is one of my favorite, although, I can sense a bit of Smashing Pumpkin’s 1979 in the beginning, I don’t know, I don’t read music note, so I don’t know whether they (MONORAL) chose the same chord for the opening, it’s only couple of notes I think, not the whole song.

So the choice is made in the fifth song, “Via”, a popish and catchy song so far after listening to four twisting sounds and music in the beginning. I like the how the sounds, the vocal and the vibe in this song, they’re pretty describing the whole story in this song: “I made it!
What are you going to do if that happens? Exactly! Overexciting that almost makes you jumping out of the bridge doing the bungy, and that is what the song sounds like. You can never sing this song in a bitter and cynical tone while frowning. This song makes you smiling and laughing and it feels like, “finally you have made a choice to embrace the world, and ready to dare.
I listened to this song over and over and over again while I was on the road and it felt so damn great. I screamed the whole lyrics silently as listening to it. And somehow this song made me enjoying the whole journey.

But you know what, no matter how brilliant your choice is, obstacles are there, ready to block you from breaking through, and that’s when you need assistance, a guardian that rises up in the sixth song, “Guards of Mice
First time reading the title, I thought, “whoa!!! Are these two guys writing a song about the John Steinbeck’s ‘Of mice and men’?” That’s not impossible, but…. “do they read?” Whhoo!!!! No offense but I just cynically thought it’s impossible *grinning*
Anyway, as I listened to the whole song, I thought this might be telling about the book… neah, but it seems like that actually.

And yes, those obstacles are there, and thou there are guardians around you, somehow the feeling of loosing yourself will always be there no matter how small it is. It breaks you, tearing you apart. But climbing the “Everest” would be so much easier if you do it together, with friends, partners, whatever you'd call them. Sometimes you fall, sometimes you have to stop, sometimes you must climb up again, but when you reach the top of the hill, there’s nothing more incredible as sharing those feelings inside with your partner. That’s what “Everest”, the seventh song is all about, that everything will be much lighter and easier when you have a friend to share, to help and to lean on sometimes. Two heads are better than one, right?
And for this song, I like the idea of bringing the vocal to the foreground. The vocalist’ voice is pretty unique and this song shows it off nicely. This is the catchy part of the song actually.

And being in the shadow is never been the easiest part in this life. It actually what holds your feet from moving on and you have to make a choice to cut the rope or else you will stand still. “Sun Shadow”, as the next song, somehow reminds me of Radiohead’s ‘High and Dry’, I don’t know why. This song is in my top list favorite from this album. It gives me the same kind of feeling when I first listened to “Kiri” (a single from the previous album, Turbulence). I like the harmony here.

Again, a decision is made. History will always be something to remind us how precious life is, and the journey is just started. No matter how crazy things might be on the road, somehow when you reach the final destination, everything will be nothing but beautiful. That’s “Casbah” is all about.
And I am so freaking hip about this ‘arabic metal’, as they described, because it’s damn rocking. The music, the vocals just blend in perfection and just when I got really high, it stops right there and leave me breathless. Damn.

Thou I hate the next part because the song suddenly drastically change to another ballad, I like the idea of “I Don’t Mind”, it seems telling you that, “who cares whether I’m going to be hit by a train or crashed into pieces, I would still grab the chances, dare all the challenges to create my own world. That’s what makes me content, period.” *smiling*
I like that. I love it actually.

So the end is here, and “Sometimes” is a great song to summarize the entire journey been through.
This is my most favorite one actually. I really love the music, the sounds and how the emotion comes out here. Pretty emotionally relaxing, I must say. This song seems like telling you that whatever happen, whatever uphill and down you have been through, you will always own this shoulder to lean on, just to rest your bones for a while before heading back on the road, no need to say a word just lean on and surely will try to sweep away all the burdens inside. Damn!
And as listening to it, it feels like you have found the best partner in crime in the whole world that would stick with you no matter how crazy and frantic you might be.
I really like the idea of putting this song as the ending of this album because somehow it seems like a closing but actually it’s just the beginning. It makes you unconsciously thump the play button again as the CD stops rolling and takes another journey. Over and over and over again.

So that’s VIA (the album) to me is all about. This is why I describe it as “a (mind) journey via heart” because somehow, it’s another rollercoaster of emotion created by two lovely gays (oops!!!) I mean GUYS *grinning* kidding!!!
An album that suits any kind of journey you’re into. It offers nothing but a joyful ride of life, a life-adventure that you yourself ever created; any life adventure to be underlined here. And this album acts as a friend, a travel-buddy, a partner in crime, an assistance you might say or whatever you want to call ‘something/someone that stick with you throughout the journey’.

Well, want to experience a blastful emotional journey??
What are you waiting for?
Grab (or in this case I mean, Ship) the album and enjoy the ride!

how to purchase it?
try these sites:


need samples?
try this one: MONORAL-VIA
or just visit the official myspace to get a clue



MONORAL are Ali Morizumi (bass) and Anis Shimada (vocal)


Take me away from the norm
I've got to tell you something..

This phenomenon
I had to put it in a song,
and it goes like:

Amber is the color of your energy
Shades of gold displayed naturally

You ought to know what brings me here
You glide through my head blind to fear,
and I know why-

Amber is the color of your energy
Shades of gold displayed naturally

Amber is the color of your energy
Shades of gold displayed naturally

You live too far away
Your voice rings like a bell anyway
Don't give up your independence
unless it feels so right
Nothing good comes easily;
Sometimes you've got to fight

Amber is the color of your energy
Shades of gold displayed naturally

Launched a thousand ships in my heart, so easy
Still, it's fine from afar,
and you know that

Take me away from the norm
I've got to tell you something

.by 311.

Love this song. A LOT.
And I’ve been listening to this song for the hundred times today. Miss it so much.
The lyrics, the feeling you get as you’re listening to it, and…. Nick Hexum’s voice… all of those just make this song pretty romantic. Nice to chew along while relaxing
Somehow I wish that Anis Shimada from the band MONORAL, one day, will perform this song. Although, I don’t quite sure if it fits him, but… it’s just a wish anyway =D (or maybe singing ‘Love Song’? hmm….)

- dedicated to someone across the waters :,) -

Credit to the clip: LBCSublimer89

Friday, May 15, 2009

... a masquerade ...


@10:29 PM
Listening to: PLACEBO – Protège Moi
[dear you in the attic, protect me from what I want, pretty please? Because I can not put this masquerade on any much longer.]

Since I’m starting ‘the project’ now, this will be my last post for quite a while, pretty quite long, actually.

So long!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I can hear this silence crawl around

Hello, you thinkers
Hello, you fakers
And I see the summer drown you dry
Hello, you lovers
Hello, you dreamers

When I feel so insecure
I will need you, turn around

There's no one left to decide who is right or wrong
Waiting's not enough for you
Wasting what I want the most
Tuesday's gone and I'm tasting it over
Let me reside with the same old view
Sharing's all I need from you
Taking what I want the most
Tuesday's near and I wish that you were here

I can feel this sadness drag you down
Hello, you talkers
Hello, you sleepers
And I see this madness close your eyes
Hello, mistreaters
Hello, you weepers

When I feel so insecure
Grace my day
Please, stay around

There's no one left to decide who is right or wrong
Waiting's not enough for you
Wasting what I want the most
Tuesday's gone and I'm tasting it over
Let me reside with the same old view
Sharing's all I need from you
Taking what I want the most
Tuesday's near and I wish that you were here

If this comfort holds you down
I would gladly pull you out
It's a heavy
(Keep, keep, keep me awake somehow)
(Keep, keep, keep me awake somehow)

….by MONORAL….

A <long> Side Note:

‘Visions in My Head’ was the first song I heard from MONORAL, but this song ‘Tuesday’ was the first song I love the most instead of ‘Kiri’ (like many other would choose). I think it’s because of the line: “let me reside with the same old view, sharing is all I need from you…” ^^
Well, sometimes, we just need friends/best friends to share, to accept, not to solve, or to break the problems down. and then when it feels too comfy that you choose to refuse to change, they’ll pull you out and force you to grow.
(well, probably this song is not as much complicated as I interpret, but what do you know? Me and my twisted world, twisted mind…. Ooh well, me is twisting anyway^^)

O! Yea! And to make it even complete, today is Tuesday, and it’s all started with a medium rain pouring down that lasted since the night before, but Thank God the rain had stopped falling as I left the house early this morning, although the heavy grey cloud still hanging up above. I was complaining along the morning to The Almighty Above of why He decided to paint the Tuesday’ sky all grey, but something hit me right away.
As I walked out the train station, and looked up the sky, WHOAAAA!!!! There it was, a slight sketch of rainbow on the sky, trying to deliver the message that no matter how grey the sky is, there’ll always be bundles of colors to paint the Tuesday.
So I smiled to the rainbow, and whispered, “Ohayou.”


Ooh!! Wait! Wait! Not finished yet here!
About MONORAL!! Uugh, how I deeply wish that there will be another Video Clip or Music Video coming out. As I noticed, there is no MV yet for the latest album VIA, and I asked the management once, he (the manager, J-san) said that they’re still not planning neither DVD nor MV *heavy sigh*
I actually thought that they would film the tour, those South America and Europe and Japan, and packed it into a… three or four minute’s documentary clips and slide in the song Via, BAM! It’ll be a good documentary/music video for the single 'VIA', right? *so typical actually*
But hey, at least the promotion would be a lot easier, right? Right? No?
Now I’m talking this way as if one of the management of MONORAL would read this post,
hell.. there’s NO WAY they’ll spend their precious times surfing here and there and deserted here, right? RIGHT?!?! Now this one is ROOOAAAAIIITTT.

Ooh well, it’s just me and my twisted mind again, as always…


It’s: Cheers anyway…. ^^V