Friday, March 30, 2007

days in anxiety-complex


The due date is Friday, March 30th 2007 at 5:00 PM [Singapore time, of course]

The items to be sent are:
...1... Completed application forms (including signed releases), one per person in the team, submitted together,
...2... Proof of a valid passport (i.e., photocopy of the pages indicating personal details and expiry date) for citizens or permanent residents or a valid work permit (i.e., photocopy of work permit with personal details and expiry date),
...3... A passport-size photo of each applicant and one recent photo of both team members together.
...4... One three-minute videotape of your team labelled clearly with your names, relationship, and phone number.

Those are meant to be wrapped in one big envelope, sealed and send to the noted address.


Hmm… wondering what I’m talking about here? Exactly!
The Amazing Race Asia 2nd Season’ Application thingy…

You know what? I haven’t had this kinda anxiousness before. It’s choking, drenching you to the bones and racing your heart to it’s toppest [what??] speed. Even it’s sucking your breath ‘till your lungs are empty.

Kinda funny really, being obsessed with one thing and let it chews you to the bones.

Okay, here’s the story…
I and flyin’_cat are crazy about traveling. Well, we just traveled together once, but we both kinda have this ‘click’ towards one another and have this plan to travel again one day to the otherside.

Since flyin’_cat own a cable tv and able to pin herself to a reality show called “Amazing Race” [in local it was aired too ‘till the 3rd season or so. A year delayed of course], she became ‘block-head’ of it. Then “the amazing race asia” came on its first season and made her forbidden to any distractors while watching it [even her boyf]. I on the otherside enjoyed every ‘episode-recap’ of it the next morning since I don’t cable my TV.

The funny thing is we daydream a lot of becoming one of the teams in the race. How we’re going to solve the puzzles with its strategics and tricks; what we’re going to do with the money if we won it, etcetera etcetera [read “daydreaming” for more info].

And suddenly, we were stroke by the sign: “the amazing race asia 2nd season' open recruitment”. Darn! The gate is opened already and YES we signed up for the RACE [yea rite!! Don’t give me that look!! We have all the credits for the RACE, c’mon!!]

Days of preparing the application thingy were “damn bloody chaotic nightmares”. We both tried our best for this and really in a big hope of having it come true.

We had no serious problems in application form, really. Hey, what is so difficult in filling the blanks right? Just scratch here and there, put a lil bit of this and a lil bit of that. Then… VOILA!!

What hurts us the most was the additional application tape. Yes! We must record a 3-MINUTE-MAXIMUM OF LENGTH video contains the teammates, the why we would be perfect for this race, and the personalities we want to show-off. Personality counts! That’s what written there.

We were completely confused, stressed and hopeless in this one.
Okay, let me tell you something… none of us is a creative director [thou flyin’_cat is an architect and art master], none of us experience enuff in dealing with shooting-thingy [except being shot, hehehe], none of us is great in drama [thou we’re both masters in daydreaming], none of us is experience enuff in writing script [hell-ow, I’m good at writing story but in script, I need more lesson!]

Bottom line is: we’re completely bunch of amateurs with no pennies of budget. Period

Anyway the way, we MUST sign up to grab our dreams, rite?? So yes! We did the shooting thingy in a really dreadfull equipments and budgets and skills.

Let’s sum up the “shooting-chaos” here…
Equipment: Sony digital camera
Location: my house… @ the porch to be exact
Wardrobes: our collection
Setting: do the girl-talk at the porch [what do you expect?!]
Camera persons: US
We took 2 days of shooting. 4 hours of each. Over 30 times re-take. HA!!! [damn motorcylcle and our stupid blanky heads, hehehe]

But yes, I do like the final cut. I must admit it. I like it.
Wish it was more than just a 3minutes length. Hmm…

Well, finally at 27th of March, we officially SENT the application.
But this fastrace-heartbeat is not settled down yet, though it’s slowing the beat down when we traced the package at DHLsite and it is said…

"Status: 1447594573
Signed for by: MS LIM Shipment delivered March 28, 2007 10:45"

But yes indeed, we’re still in this ‘anxiety-complex’ syndrome.
Waiting in desperate and crossing fingers.

Anyway, here’s the DVD’ case

And…here’s our video


Thursday, March 22, 2007

earth to bella part 1

yup. I’m talking about an INCUBUS’ song here from their latest album, ‘light grenades

there’s a line from the song titled “earth to bella part 1” that can be classified to the 'punch line' for me, if it’s translated literally…
it sings like this…

“…and before you swim you gotta be ok to sink…”

okay, now you got the point and already laughing out loud, am correct?
Well… enjoy it then.


yes, I admit!! I can’t swim because I’m too scared of getting sunk okay?!?!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

the cutt-offs

Beginilah nasib kalo aktris gadungan berakting di depan kamera. Obsesi terpendam menjadi ‘pemaen pelm holywood’ terbitan steven spielberg, tapi apa daya??? Bahkan berakting untuk durasi 3menitan saja butuh 4jam waktu shooting dengan re-take gambar belasan kali [maklumlah yang nge-shoot pun hanya kami berdua. Bolak balik neken stop tiap udah selese take]. HALAAAAHHH!!!!

Masih mending kalo shooting video clip dengan storyboard dan setting yang emang butuh waktu sampe 3 harian. Ini???

Lokasi : cuma di teras depan rumah gw [diramaikan dengan deru motor, teriakan anak2 kecil plus tukang baso]
Pemaen : 2 orang (gw ama kucing_terbang)
Figuran : “meng-meng” Si Kucing Kos [yang pasrah digimanain juga demi memperjuangkan spot tidur siangnya]
Adegan : duduk di teras en ngobrol doang [saking udah keabisan ide]

Lines : [beberapa cuplikan dari ‘cut-offs’ yang cukup kocak]

Set 1 :
(seharusnya) “we are different but we do have something in common. That is… GUTS. Remember when we travelled to Kuta Lombok? Man, it was scary. Why? Because no touristsblablabla
[but I stated it wrong to “travelling…”???]

Set 2 :
(seharusnya) “okay, here’s the thingblablabla
[and I kept saying “okay, what do you know?” uughh!!]

beginilah pengorbanan kami demi menembus AXN-Amazing Race Asia Season 2 untuk mewujudkan obsesi terpendam menjadi ‘internationally-famous’ dalam diri ini [dan ditonton Brandon Boyd!!!! T_T].

Modal utama dan yang hanya dimiliki oleh kami hanya 2:
keNEKATan dan kePERCAYA-DIRIan yang TINGGI banget


Wish us luck please!
At least nyampe bagian interview aja gw udah syeneeengggg buuanget!!

You might check kucing_terbang also to get another “cut-offs”

Enjoy them!!!

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Saat itu…pagi-pagi, di dalam APV yang tiap hari membawa gw berkomuter Bogor-Jakarta. Just like another ordinary day sih sebenernya, sampe seorang “kucing_terbang” mencetuskan sebuah berita yang masuk dalam kategori “thrill-exciting”.

Begini ceritanya…

“POET! AXN udah buka!!” seru kucing_terbang dengan begitu antusiasnya.
Telinga gw yang masih mendengung-dengung akibat volume maksimal headphones peneman ngangkot sebelomnya, sedikit lama mencerna berita itu. “AXN…”
“AMAZING ASIA!!!” serobot kucing_terbang kesal dengan sambutan gw yang plain dan ‘lama’.
Barulah, saat itu gw terbelalak lebar dan speechless. “IYA?! Kapan?! Gimana?!”

Pembicaraan dilanjutkan dengan detil pendaftaran dijelaskan oleh kucing_terbang. Gw yang masih over-thrilled dengan berita itu berusaha mencerna tiap kalimat yang diucapkan dengan wajah dan mata gw tertuju pada dirinya, namun sia-sia karena gw sudah terbang dalam “negeri dongeng”.

Ssssrrrttt…… [bunyi scratching yg mengindikasikan waktu berheti dan scene beralih pada dunia kecil dalam kepala gw]

WOW… saingan pasti ribuan nih. Harus bikin yang unik pastinya. Karakter, essay?? Oke, I can handle them. Harus apa lagi ya?? Berenang? Nyetir? Naek motor? Well… belajar instant deh. Soal fearless, gw cukup fearless dah. Paling-paling belajar fokus keseimbangan lagi. Khususnya di tempat tinggi. Tentunya, biar fit, fitness deh. Tiap hari fitness gak masalah. Toh di gedung sebelah iuran per bulan hanya 200rebu bisa tiap hari kan???

Oke, what if we actually made into the TEAMS?!?!
That would be having these advantages:

1. Going around asia and australia?? [komen: well, bolehlah. Keliling asia-aussie gratis?!?! My DREAM-WANNA-DO!]
2. Klo menang dpt US$ 100,000 [komen: $$$$$ ???? 1 milyar?? Bagi 2, 500jt each? Okelaah]
3. Laki-laki??? [hmm… komen yg tepat: LAKIHHH-LAKIIIIIHH!!!!!! *Beringas* mode: ON. Sluurp.]

Tapi above all adalah… keuntungan yang satu ini:

The show will be internationally wide broadcastedI repeat the important part… INTERNATIONALLY. Beken??? So PASTI laahh!! Tapi gw gak peduli itu [ato peduli yaa??]. Yang pasti dengan menjadi ‘internationally broadcasted’ itu artinya ada lah kemungkinan sekian persen seorang BRANDON BOYD nonton gw [yang lagi lari-lari ngejar gajah di Thai mungkin, lalu dia tertawa terbahak-bahak. I got his attention. SHOT!!] disela-sela break jadwal tur-nya. Hopefully, dia jadi suka nonton dan fans banget sama kita berdua!!! And he’ll vote for US!!! [AMEN!]

We RACE and we FINALLY WIN!! [huuraaayyy!!!]

SSsrrttttsss…. [bunyi scratching lagi yang mengindikasikan scene beralih setelah TIM kita berdua ‘MENANG’]

One thing straightly DONE adalah… RESIGN [in HUGE capitals I meant]

Then what I got???

1. Pengakuan klo “adventurously fearless” [komen: muncul di majalah Cosmo/funfearlessfemale, jd icon produk yang girlie-adventure?]
2. Money [komen: 500JT bow!! Gak banyak mungkin buat sebagian orang, tapi bwt gw… IT’S SUMTHNG!]
3. Fame [komen: “heyloow! Can I take a picture with you?”]
4. MEN [komen: “hmmm… OTOMATIS doongg?? gonna be a MENEATER”]

Oke… what would I do with the money??
Let’s see…
400jt masuk tabungan dalam berbagai bentuk
[deposito, emas batangan, tahapan] gw serahkan semua pada nyokap untuk diatur, secara gw bukan tukang atur duit yang handal.

100jt sisanya, buat gw pribadi hura-hura dong. Untuk traktir anak-anak [temen-temen deket doang], ngunjungin sobat gw di Bali [msh dgn gaya backpacker biar irit], dan sedikit charity biar tetep beken [jadi volunteer di UNICEF juga mungkin].

Eh, ternyata dari 100jt yg gw pake hura-hura itu, masih ada sisa bow!! Jelaslah, secara kan udah jadi ‘ICON’ juga bukan?? beside, gw anak yang iriiiit buanget kok. Pasti masih nyisa.
Lumayan lah, sekian puluh juta lagi.

Well, berhubung jiwa traveling gw masih mendidih bergejolak, jadilah… I’m heading… DA STATES hunny!!!! a.k.a USA.
Sendiri? Gak masalah!!
[pastinya, flyin_cat sdh memanfaatkan waktu ketenaran untuk ‘menikah’ jg tooh?? Hehehe]

Ssssrrrrtttttttsssss…… [scene pindah ke gw yang udah sampe di Amerika dan baru mw mulai treveling]

Sampailah gw di USA. Yang pertama gw tuju… Los Angeles. The City of Angels. Rencananya, mau kelilingin Amerika start dari L.A. dan balik finish di L.A. lagi. Berhubung baru muncul di L.A., nyantai dulu dong semingguan, sekalian ngebiasain diri sama cuaca dan kebiasaan di Amrik.

Iseng-iseng, suatu sore nyusurin pantai di daerah Santa Monica. Liat ada record-store di antara jejeran café di pinggir pantai. Masuklah gw ke situ. Simply karena gw butuh referensi musik oke buat diinjek ke I-Phone gw.
Lagi liat-liat jejeran CD tiba-tiba ada yang neriakin gw dengan sedikit histerikal tone.
“Omigosh!! You were in the Amazing Race Asia rite? The winner?!”
Saat gw melihat yang menegur, sontak tubuh gw membeku. WHAT?!?!
“ehmm… Poetry, am correct?!” dia kembali mendesak. “Gosh! I VOTED for you!!!”
Laki-laki itu mendekat dan mengulurkan tangan, “hi, I’m Brandon. Sorry if I scared you or… you know, I just can’t help myself. I’m overthrilled meeting you here.”
[komen: ini Brandon siapa ya?? POLITE banget?!?!?!]

Bottom line is:
hari bersantai gw di L.A. diperpanjang menjadi sekian lama dan gw pindah motel ke rumah pribadi seorang Brandon by his own request. He insists me to be on the road with the band all the time, while they’re doing tour, at least it’s a free traveling around the world. So…he’s doing the tour-things while I’m exploring the country/city.

We’re long-time DATING. I’m doing my things, he’s doing his at the same time and come home to each-other [how sweet!], ready to spill out each-experience and end up the nite by making *…* [needs a censsor here??]

Brandon siapakah yang gw maksud?? Jelas, BRANDON BOYD of ‘incubus’ laaahhh!!!

--------end of the day-dream------------

Special thanks is dedicated to AXN-ASIA: Amazing Race Asia II
[it’s an amazing daydream ever. Thanks for the media!]

membalas daydreaming yang sudah dimuntahkan miss flyin_cat di blognya.
Mo bales pake komen, kepanjangan, jadi bales pake blog deh…

the MAN : teman khayalan

Disela-sela kebuntuan jalan menuju ‘pencerahan’ [hehehe], terkadang gw suka mencuri waktu untuk ‘sedikit’ daydreaming. Berhubung daydreaming, males kali yaa klo sendirian, pastinya butuh temen dan harus yang MANTAB. Satu keharusan yang dimiliki Sang Teman adalah… BERKELAMIN ‘JANTAN’ [hehehe, kucing kali jantan!!]

Salah satunya adalah laki-laki ini…


The GOD” itu julukan yang gw kasih buat dia. Dari sejak gw kenal ‘Incubus’ sekian taon lalu tepatnya lewat single andalan ‘drive’, gw udah termehe-mehe sama vokalis yang satu ini.

Man!!! He’s so gorgeous!!
Bagi gw, ini sosok yang physically ‘PERFECT’. Dari ujung rambut ampe ujung kaki.

Euugh… that body…ckckckck. Gak terlalu 6-kotak yang berotot bak atlet binaragawan sih, masih dalam level ‘kurus’ malah, tapi PAS, gak kurus banget tapi gak ‘metekel’ banget, walau belakangan kyknya dia mkn mengurus, [pengaruh ‘da herb’ mgkn?? hehee]. Tapi tetep gak mengurangi keMANTAB-annya kok. Buat gw, tipe yang macam ini yang ‘PAS’.

Tiap kali liat potonya, khayalan gw bisa berkelana ke daerah-daerah jauh dalam segala macam ‘suasana’ dengan seorang ‘BRAND’. Hehehe… gak papa deh mandi besar terus… HAHAHA!!! [busyeet daaaahhh]. Repot juga ya klo di kantor, secara wallpaper kompi gw gambar dia aja gitu… ^_^

Buat Brandon Boyd, nilainya SEMPURNA BESAR deh [bikin lagu syaik, suara oke, badan oke, tampang okeeeh banget, plusss tatoo2 yg KWELL, intinya… ‘PERFEKKK’]
Meet me in outer space
I will hold you close
If you're afraid of heights
I need you to see this place
It might be the only way
That I can show you how
It feels to be inside of you[stellar by incubus]

hmmm, I need you to be inside of ME, Brand