Friday, July 18, 2008

fenomena nonton konser: sebuah ke-eksis-an diri

Lagak gw nulis ini thread udah kayak tukang nonton konser ato beda tipis lah sama calo penjual tiket konser aja. Padahal, hanya ada 2 konser musik yang pernah gw sambangi seumur hidup gw, dan itu berentang waktu kurang lebih sekitar 3 taonan. So... am I valid enough to write such a thread?

Eniwei, not much care about it, hanya bercerita sedikit ketermanguan gw saat mengantri nonton konser musik sebuah band besar di awal maret lalu yang threadnya udah gw umbar begitu banyak di blog ini.

Begini ceritanya....

Duduk-duduk di lantai paving dan dikelilingi para ABG yang gw yakin belum genap ¼ abad menjalani priviledge terberinya yaitu HIDUP, bikin gw amazed. Karena entah bagaimana, mereka bisa mengatur keuangannya untuk membeli tiket seharga setengah juta, yang bagi gw, yang sudah kerja pun, terasa begitu mencekik. Beruntunglah mereka, kata temen gw, “born as a rich-ass-kid” (sirik mode: ON), hahaha.

Tapi tidak hanya itu yang membuat gw cukup termangu dengan fenomena yang ada. Percaya atau enggak, mayoritas dari mereka yang menonton bukanlah mereka yang fasih dengan band yang akan manggung. Gak hanya soal personil (yang dimaklumi deh kalo yang cuma keliatan di mata itu sang vokalisnya doang), pun musiknya. Makanya, gak heran kalo selama nunggu, banyak yang nyumpel kuping mereka dengan earphone yang tersambung dengan ragam iPOD (asli iPOD, bukan mp3player abal-abal yang dijual di kereta). Komentar mereka, “iya, ngapalin nih, ketuker tuker gw lagu mereka”.

Gw dan teman gw pun saling tatap tak percaya.
They spent tho$$$e money untuk sesuatu yang gak mereka kenal?

Lucunya, ada lagi segerombolan cewek ABG yang, kalo gw bilang sih, dandanannya lebih cocok buat hang-out di mall, either itu ngadem sambil perawatan di salon, ato nyesap secangkir capuccino di starbucks. Sempet gak ngebayangin aja mereka berada diantara lautan moshing (walau emang gak ada moshing, tetep desak-desakan kan?), dan yaa, memang mereka tidak berada di kelas festival yang notabene sangat tidak mentolerir para putri keraton bergabung diantaranya, tapi di kelas tribune yang jauuh tapi bisa duduk dengan manis kalo bosen (baca: gak ngerti musik yang dimaenin).

Oke... sudahlah, they are indeed born as a rich-ass-kid, mau digimanain lagiih? Tinggal noel bokap ato nyokapnya, beberapa lembar keluaran Bank Indonesia itu pun langsung pindah tangan.

Tapi yang lucunya lagi, gw yang kebetulan dapet di barisan terdepan di kelas festival, kedapetan bersebelahan (temen gw sih yang bersebelahan), dengan seorang anak SM...P (!!) yang mengira kedua perempuan disebelahnya (gw ma temen gw, red!) adalah siswi SMA... lalu diralat.. kuliah. Sedikit terpana dan cukup termangu setengah gak percaya dengan kenyataan... “tampang kita semuda itu yaaa???”

Tapi tunggu dulu, bukan itu yang membuat gw semakin melebarkan bukaan rahang.
Anak ini dengan begitu lugasnya bertanya, “kemaren ke konsernya MCR?”
Eerrr.... gw pun mengerutkan kening dan menggeleng.
“kalo Black Dahlia? Wah, itu ya konsernya parah banget deh....”
gw cukup terkesima karena ternyata ada anak yang memang pecinta rock n roll dari semuda itu.
“enggak sih, gak gitu tau sama musiknya. Tapi suka aja dateng ke konser. Eh, gitarisnya Incubus siapa sih? Lagunya selaen Anna-Molly apa ya? gw belom ngapalin nih. Tadi dateng ke hotel Mulia gak? Oia, liat Muse gak dulu? Itu keren deh”

Dan gw hanya bengong sementara di otak gw, dengan cepat, bergerak angka-angka nominal harga tiket masuk konser yang rata-rata berkisar di pertengahan juta, alias, 500ribuan ke atas.
Misalnya nih, katakanlah dalam satu tahun itu ada 10 konser musik rock lalu dikalikanlah dengan harga 500ribuan itu... alamaaakkk... dengan duit segitu banyak, gw udah bisa muasin napsu traveling gw sampe mana yaa??? Korea ato Aussie kali ya minimal?

Kids today.

Teringat di benak gw, pada saat gw berada di umuran mereka, saat beberapa band asing berdatangan untuk ngadain konser disini, betapa gw berusaha mati-matian untuk mendapatkan tiketnya secara gratisan (tapi gak pernah dapet T.T) dengan modal telpon rumah (yang masih sistem puter itu, plus gak ada sistem redial!), karena gak mungkin tiket itu terbeli dengan uang jajan. Kalopun nekat minta duit ke bokap-nyokap, itu artinya gw udah bosen idup, ato minimal gw udah bosen idup di rumah itu dan siap ditaro begitu aja di jalanan ato lebih bagusan dikit, di panti asuhan antah berantah.
Intinya... nonton konser di jaman gw SMP/SMA/(bahkan) KULIAH adalah... ngimpi aja deh lo!!!

Padahal, dulu harga tiket nonton konser masih berkisaran seratus ribuan yaah paling mahal dua ratusan kali ya? Apa kabar kalo dari dulu udah setengah juta harganya?????

Tapi lalu ada selentingan yang berkelebat di benak gw. Beli tiket konser semahal itu, sesering itu, biarpun gak kenal siapa yang ditonton ato jenis musik apa yang dimaenin, bisa dengan mudahnya dilakukan tanpa ngeluh. Tapi kenapa ya, beli buku pelajaran yang harganya berkisaran disitu dan udah jelas hanya 6bulanan sekali, ngeluhnya bisa sepanjang hari sepanjang umur?

Kalo kata temen gw, perkara tau gak tau, itu belakangan, yang penting... eksis!

Gila, kalo demi ke-eksis-an gw musti menghabiskan satu bulan gaji dalam hitungan sekian jam, itu namanya gw bunuh diri dengan cara yang paling kejam namun bodoh.

Yaah... lagi-lagi gw hanya bisa meng-Amin-i komentar temen gw, “Thank God they’re born as a rich-ass-kid

Tapi jadi kepikiran, kalo mereka biasa jajan begitu, berapa duit yang harus mereka peroleh saat kerja nanti buat nutupin gaya hidupnya yaa???

Again... kids today [geleng-geleng kepala mode: ON]


[onears] The Academy Is .... Everything We Had

Thursday, July 17, 2008

on ears recently: I'm Yours by Jason Mraz

I’ve listened to this song some times ago, but never been really preoccupied like this before, as I put it on my only song list in the mp3 player. I let it replay over and over and over (since it’s the only song in the list) and suddenly that song stick in my head like a sticky bubble-gum.

Swallowed by the almighty curiosity, I then wandering around to amuse myself in the world of wordplay of Mr. A-to-Z. Hmm... interesting personality as well as the music.

One thing for sure, I always nibble this guy’s singles since the very first time The Remedy came to the radio (when was it? 2005? 2004? Can’t remember, sorry!). First impression of this song would be… “gosh, how could he sing this song live? it’s a tongue tight lyric!”.
I thought it was the only interesting single from this guy, but eventually, I found many of his songs as good and impressive as the single itself. And good to know that those songs come purrfect live as well. Nope. His tongue is pretty much fine. Not tightly tight.

The only bad thing is I don’t have any of his albums. Just listening thru the net. And the only song I had downloaded was just the acoustic version of the latest single, “I’m Yours”. Well, that the only song’s provided by the site anyway.

Well, perhaps, if I’m lucky enough, someone’s reading this blog got a clue for what present should s/he give me, hahaha… wishful thinking?

Well, in the meantime, I’ll just enjoy the soothe and peaceful melody then…
Hmm… listening to this song, makes you feel like you’re stranded in a quite island with its white sand beach (and a bunch of MALE-surfers?) and the only entertaining tool you have is the great guitar. playing some melody on it while gazing at the blue sky (or the starry night?), feeling the breeze calming your face and the only thing that worries you the most is when the world stops turning.
Hhaah…… when will I get a chance of living that kind of simple-life?


btw, here's the lyrics, find yourself the clip in YouTube and enjoy it.


Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
And now I’m trying to get back

Before the cool done run out
I’ll be giving it my bestest
Nothing’s going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it’s again my turn to win some or learn some

I won’t hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I’m yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you’re free
Look into your heart and you’ll find love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment and maybe sing with me
A la peaceful melody
And it’s our God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved

So I won’t hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I’m sure
There’s no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I’m yours

I’ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
My breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what I’m saying is there ain’t no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It’s what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue

Repeat till fade


Monday, July 07, 2008

Tenacity and Preseverance

Those are two things that could be learned from what happened in 2008 Wimbledon Final.
Aha, another tennis-talk?
Honesty, am not a tennis player, but a watcher.

And what happened to the final in wimbledon last Sunday? Ooh, believe me, it worthed every second of my sleepless nite (yup, not even blink the eyes longer than a second). And I bet that’s exactly what thousands of people would feel about that final. It was something that (probably) never been done before in any era.
What you did see in that final (if you did watch it) was simply a magnificent final that perhaps, only the greatests are able to push their limits to the edges and perform what was happened that nite.

For nearly 5 hours of game (excluding the 2 times rain delay) millions of hearts were ready to be pumped-out or worst.... stopped at any given time. Tsk tsk tsk...
I can not describe how magnificent the game was because there are almost no words to explain it.

Again, it was Rog and Rafa in the final and like their previous final a year ago, they pushed each other to the limit where only two gods of tennis can actually perform that kind of game.

Two gods.
One with the style and clever movement, while the other posses what is called tenacity and preseverance in a high mental-ability.

In the end it seemed showing us that no matter how clever and smart you are, they don’t mean a thing unless you patiently and eagerly collect point by point until you win it, no matter how big the spectacles are or how long it will take.

And that nite, the god who posses tenacity and preseverance was no other than Rafa.
And he was the one who lifted up the throphy.
The god of tenacity and preseverance.

As the result, Rafa won the wimbledon 2008 in 5 remarkable sets [4-6, 4-6, 7-6 (7/5), 7-6 (10/8), 7-9]

(ps: picture will be provided soon, when I’m awake enough to find the good ones on the internet ^_^)

Incubus Going on Hiatus (kudos!)

Watching DVDs of Incubus brings back all the memories of experiencing their live act here in Jakarta. In my own opinion, I’d say that was the best concert I’ve ever experienced in my life. Well, it’s a bit not accurate thou, since that was the second concert ever I’ve been to.

I must say again that this band is one of the fewest bands outthere that worth every penny, every sweat, every blood, tears and bruise for their live concert anywhere the place. You won’t regret anything even if you have to come home in sore throat from yelling and sing (scream)-a-long and not able to talk for weeks or probably some cracks on your bones from surfing the crowds.
They’re worth, period.

But as the news I read few days ago, Incubus have already planned for experiencing more to life.
Meaning: going on hiatus. Having a baby and family, working on some solo projects, and even going back to school.
Hmm… sounds interesting and I sense a “much more to life” album is on the way thou’ that’s not gonna come out in a year or so from now.

They deserve it (life), a much more simple life (and much more real?).
Enjoy life guys, and please do experience it in a much more simple way ^_^
Hmm, just imagining Brandon spending his days in a library, working on his thesis and probably dating one of the campus girl (hope the real one not some plastic-made-girls)

So until the day a new album’s released, I’ll just please myself with all the collection of Incubus I have. Good thing is I never get bored of their oldies thou I listen to them every morning from my cell.

thanks to the ‘anonymous’ from Canberra who just sent me the dvds (and yea I was shaking when opening it and almost burst in tears), I owe ya…(how much?)

[on ears] la la la zoom zoom zoom