Monday, July 07, 2008

Incubus Going on Hiatus (kudos!)

Watching DVDs of Incubus brings back all the memories of experiencing their live act here in Jakarta. In my own opinion, I’d say that was the best concert I’ve ever experienced in my life. Well, it’s a bit not accurate thou, since that was the second concert ever I’ve been to.

I must say again that this band is one of the fewest bands outthere that worth every penny, every sweat, every blood, tears and bruise for their live concert anywhere the place. You won’t regret anything even if you have to come home in sore throat from yelling and sing (scream)-a-long and not able to talk for weeks or probably some cracks on your bones from surfing the crowds.
They’re worth, period.

But as the news I read few days ago, Incubus have already planned for experiencing more to life.
Meaning: going on hiatus. Having a baby and family, working on some solo projects, and even going back to school.
Hmm… sounds interesting and I sense a “much more to life” album is on the way thou’ that’s not gonna come out in a year or so from now.

They deserve it (life), a much more simple life (and much more real?).
Enjoy life guys, and please do experience it in a much more simple way ^_^
Hmm, just imagining Brandon spending his days in a library, working on his thesis and probably dating one of the campus girl (hope the real one not some plastic-made-girls)

So until the day a new album’s released, I’ll just please myself with all the collection of Incubus I have. Good thing is I never get bored of their oldies thou I listen to them every morning from my cell.

thanks to the ‘anonymous’ from Canberra who just sent me the dvds (and yea I was shaking when opening it and almost burst in tears), I owe ya…(how much?)

[on ears] la la la zoom zoom zoom

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