Saturday, June 13, 2009

Listening MONORAL : Enjoy Riding The Rollercoaster Of Emotions

It’s like riding a rollercoaster of emotions and somehow you never get bored of it because it changes a lot and unexpectedly surprising.

That’s what I told my friend who’s wondering why on earth I get so addicted listening to the band MONORAL.

Riding a rollercoaster of emotions?
Hmm… indeed.
Well, at least that’s what I get every time I put those albums and mini albums of the band in my playlist and let them all playing for some times.
Honestly? I haven’t changed the playlist for so long and keep those collections of MONORAL I have being played 8 straight hours a day as assistance to my ears during working at the office.
Sometimes, after listening to every song of MONORAL, I have this kind of a feeling: feeling of tired or exhausted, it seems like those songs I’ve just listened to are soaking me to the bones, suffocating. But that doesn’t make me stop listening to them, because unconsciously, I’ve already let them playing again and again.

I don’t know, but I think the songs, the lyrics, the music and the how vocalist of MONORAL (yes, Anis Shimada it is) sings or how the bassist (Ali Morizumi) supports the songs are just capturing emotions of them all, very well.

hmm, it seems like the duo manage to pour their hearts into a song so that each and every one of the songs has its own soul, its own emotion, or chemistry. And that makes the song feels like alive and somehow it grows in you.

But if you’d like to put on a super size headphones instead of speakers and turn the volume up until you can no longer hear what’s going on around you and it seems like only you living in a MONORAL world, then you’ll not only ride a rollercoaster of emotions, but also… you’ll experience so much cool noises and interesting sounds as well.

Probably those noises or sounds you’ll hear not the original ones, but somehow this band can mix them all into something interesting and… should I say… sexy? *big grin*

I like the how these two guys can create a wide range of music. From a very rockin’ blast to a popish ballads and amazingly can also create catchy exotic rock sounds. And you can find them all even in one album. So it’s pretty interesting I have to say.

And reading the lyrics of every song, I actually don’t want to praise them this much but, what can I say?
They can be romantic without being poetic, they can be pathetic in a funny way, they can be mean in a polite way, they might be angry but they’re still smiling nicely and they even can be friends in disguise, or even enemies?

And funny thing is they’re not two kinds of genius musicians, indigo or whatever.

I have to say that Anis Shimada (the vocalist) is not a perfect singer with a glamorous vocal range that roars the hall, even comparing like those in American Idol maybe? (hahaha!)
And Ali Morizumi (the bassist) plays the bass like a common bassist will do with no such of blasting specialty. I can even say that he’s nothing comparing to Tetsu of Laruku ^^V (forgive me, but I’m trying to be fair here and that’s what my ears speaking)

But I have to admit that they are indeed smart.
They are smart in combining those music and lyrics in a right proportion.
Maybe they’re not the greatest, they just two ordinary musicians with ordinary music, ordinary lyrics, but they do manage to combine all those ordinary things into something beautiful.

This is cool I’d gladly say.
And I have to say it again that I haven’t got bored of this band… yet. I don’t know when. Hopefully won’t.

To those who’ve never heard any of MONORAL, you should try and give them a listen and enjoy riding the rollercoaster of emotions… and sounds.
As to the MONORAL, I have to send a message “keep making those beautiful music guys!” *big grin*

credit to the photo here:
the photo is taken without any permittion on a site (sadly i kinda forget what site it is), it's an interview *grinning*

Now I think I’m over flooding my own blog with MONORAL-ism. Would that mean I have to manage another blog where I can put all those MONORAL-ism I have learnt? *sighing*
(this is what you actually get if you have a restless Brian I guess. It’s a blissful and a killing at the very same time)

Bestfriending with the ears: MONORAL (the whole of them)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Culinary Walk pt. 1: Macau – Hot Milk Pudding

Dari pertama kali ke negara yang satu ini, gw sama TEN, udah penasaran sama kedai yang terletak di ujung mulut Senado Square itu. Alesannya?

>> karena kedai ini selalu PENUH (well oke, kedai mana sih di Macau yang GAK SELALU penuh?!)
>> karena di etalase toko ini ada lemari pendingin segede bagong yang isinya mangkuk-mangkuk putih dengan isi yang juga putih. Mangkuknya BANYAAAAAKKKKK buanget.
>> karena seluruh hiasan kedai ini adalah SAPI: poto sapi, patung sapi dan aneka jenis pajangan laennya yang menampilkan si sapi ini!

Namun sampai hari terakhir kami di Macau, kedai ini tak juga kami sambangi. Alasannya?

>> karena ragu akan kehalalannya
>> walau gak mungkin, tapi kami sempet begok berpikir “mungkinkah itu patung babi sebenernya?!”
>> karena males ngantri begitu liat jubelan orang yang berkerumun di pintu kedai
>> karena takut harganya mahal.
>> karena kami pada dasarnya kehabisan duit.
Butir 4 dan 5 harap dihilangkan, menurunkan derajat dan martabat saja!!!

Oke, balik ke cerita intinya (emang ada intinya?)
Kemarin, kali kedua gw ke Macau bareng beberapa temen kantor, gw membulatkan tekad, “kedai rame bin mbludak itu harus seenggaknya gw cari tau dia jualan paan, dan gw harus pastiin kalo patung itu BENAR adanya seekor SAPI bukan babi dicat putih item dan disuntik hormon pembesar.” ^^V

Lalu, setelah kesasar dan harus berJALANKAKI selama 2 JAM (maapkan mb NUUII^^V) gw pun memantapkan hati dan kedua kaki ini untuk melangkah ke kedai itu.

Dan ternyata.... baru buka!
Begitu masuk, disambut dengan CecetCowet pramusajinya yang tak kami mengerti (karena dalam bahasa Cina)

Akh ya, patung di meja resepsionis itu BENAR adanya seekor SAPI. Dan poto itu, benar juga sapi raksasa dengan payudara MUONTOK-MUONTOK (dan dipastikan bukan babi disuntik hormon ^^)

Pramusaji kembali berCecetCowet, dan gw pun berujar, “MILK?”
Lalu dirinya pun manggut-manggut.
“Two,” ujar gw sambil ngangkat jari bikin angka 2. “MILK”
“okay, okay” si pramusaji menggiring kami ke satu tempat duduk.
“HOT? Cold?” tanya pramusaji lagi.
“Ooh, okay okay”

Dia pergi ke dapur, kami ditinggal bengong, duduk berhadapan dan memandangi sekeliling kedai itu. Banyak sapi. Bau susu.
Tapi.... bercampur juga dengan bau babi.
Eh, ternyata ada yang pesan bacon dan mie babi diseberang sana HAHAHAHA (kehalalan sangat diragukan nampaknya)

Bengong liat kiri, liat kanan.
Susu gak dateng-dateng, sementara ibu-ibu pemesan mie babi sedang menikmati tiap untai mie sambil merem melek (iyalah, kalo merem terus mah tidur kali).

Apakah sapinya diperah dulu?
Tunggu ditunggu, tetap tidak kunjung datang.
Mati gaya.
Liat daftar menu aja!
Sia-sia. Semua dalam tulisan garis horisontal-vertikal-diagonal.
Gak ngerti!
Yang tau cuma deretan angka yang mengikutinya 16$... 20$... 7$... 14$

Hmm.... *garukgaruk*

Hampir 30 menit berselang.
Pramusaji datang dengan membawa dua.....

2 mangkuk kecil porselein warna putih dengan 2 sendok bebek juga dari porselein.
Keduanya panas.

Kami melongok kedalam isi mangkuk itu.
Susu itu menciut!
Dan.... mengental?

Ternyata, kalo pesen susu panas, di Macau atau Hongkong itu yang disodorin adalah pudding susu.

Jangan tanya bagaimana proses pengentalan (yang makan waktu cukup lama itu!) susu itu, karena nanya harga aja sama pramusajinya pake bahasa isyarat kok. Yang pasti susu sapi yang putih nian serupa dengan mangkuk dan sendoknya itu, mengental bagai puding, begitu halus dan tercipta sedikit lapisan air di bagian atasnya.

Kami mengasumsikan, mangkuk-mangkuk di mesin pendingin itu berisi biang puding susu ini yang berasal dari kepala susu kental. Lalu entah bagaimana caranya, dikentalkan hingga membentuk pudding (mungkin dengan bantuan minyak babi?HAHAHAHAHA!!!!)

Nah, bagaimana rasanya?
Manisnya pas. Kekentalannya juga pas. Melumer dengan sempurna di lidah.
Dan santaplah selagi panas, karena kalau dingin bisa mencair dan pisah-pisah sama lapisan airnya.

Untuk satu mangkuk kecil puding susu panas dibandrol harga.... 16$ ...... SAJAH *cynically mode: ON*
(seumur idup, gw baru makan puding seharga hampir 30rebu!!! Untuk semangkuk kecil pulaaak!)

Berminat nyobain?
Kalo iseng-iseng judi di Macau, redakanlah stress akibat kalah taruhan dengan menyeruput pudding susu ini, hehehe. Tempatnya gampang banget ditemuin. Tinggal ke Senado Square. Jejerannya kedai Starbucks Senado. Letaknya sebelum Tourism Information Center (kalo dari depan), deket money changer. Pokoknya kedai dengan hiasan sapi deh (dan selalu PENUH)

Selamat menikmati!
Ditanggung pengen lagi dan lagi dan lagi.
Tapi itu artinya, harus KAYA :D


Posted a while ago in my Facebook note

Thursday, June 11, 2009


That’s been a while since they posted the title in their MySpace blog and I was already insanely proud of the band (and jealous at the same time to the US fans), I mean… touring the US for the non-US-bands is truly something BIG.
I’d been waiting for the following news about this (the venue, the dates and all the stuffs) and kept checking the MySpace page also their official site, but still none, so I started ignoring it, until yesterday noon.

While hanging out with bunch of friends in a café, I was silently sliding away from the crowd into my autism world, checking emails (that I had neglected for some times) and WHOAAAA!!! I was shouting out loud, surprising everyone around, when I hit the message “New Blog from VAMPS”.
I had a guess this would be something about the tour in US.

As I opened the link, I was burst in tears of cheers.
They finally make it to the US!
Not only because it’s in a very short period since the band is formed but also because…. They haven’t even released the album, YET.
Way to go guys! GREAT.

And as I checked the news again and read it more carefully, I noticed this “WARPED TOUR” (on July 12th and 14th) on the list.
I stopped scrolling and then, widening my eyes.
They even made it to the WARPED TOUR?!?!
As far as I know, WARPED TOUR has always been flooded by many rock bands and the crowds are HUGE (if it’s not MASSIVE).

So I checked the Warped Tour’ site for the line ups and sadly it hasn’t published the line-ups bands to perform there. I guess I’ll just wait later to check it out again.

But the fact that VAMPS will be touring US, and also participate in WARPED TOUR does SOMETHING for the band and also for the Japanese Music Industry I believe.

Thou I’m TOTALLY positive won’t be able to go and share the crowd, I absolutely support the band for touring the US. Maybe more cities/countries will be on the list later, some when after September 2009 (since I notice the schedule is full and they’ll be rea~~~lly busy touring until September or so)

And for the fans of VAMPS who luckily live in US (any part of that country) or probably those who love Japanese music but have no idea about VAMPS, OR to those of you who adore music and curious about any kind of genre and would love to widen your music archive, do PURCHASE THE TICKET TO VAMPS US TOUR 2009 (anywhere around the US) and experience fun times with them.
I can tell it would be bloody FUNtastic live that you won’t regret to go.


(Soon as you get back from there… and recover from severe nosebleed *big grin*, REPORT Pleaaaseee ^^V)


Check out the VAMPS US Tour 2009 news here:

And for the updated news, please embrace yourself to have an urge to visit their officially sites:

The Tickets Sales

Side Info on Warped Tour:
The Bands
Buy The Tickets

Side note:
But soon as I finished writing this post, I sighed, the heaviest one.
Now I know why I hate being a citizen of my country :P
To obtain the US visa, here in my country, is never been that easy. Shit!

So I guess, I’ll just continue with my bo~~~ring life, and ooh, to light it up a little, maybe I’ll spend summer holyday as I had planned before: going to BALI.
But in order to feel the VAMPS, I’ll guess I’ll bring along VAMPS collection I have (still only 4 singles)…

Won’t rant again about how unlucky I am in this kind of thing… I’ll sign off now.

Don’t forget:



Friday, June 05, 2009

Trouble Is A Friend by Lenka

Trouble Is A Friend
by: Lenka

He will find you no matter where you go
Oh, oh
No matter if you're fast, No matter if you're slow
Oh, oh
The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn
Oh, oh
You're fine for a while
But you start to lose control

He's there in the dark He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble is a friend of mine Ahh

Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe
Oh, oh
And no matter what I feed him
He always seems to grow
Oh, oh
He sees what I see
And he knows what I know
Oh, oh
So don't forget
As you ease on down my road

He's there in the dark He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed
If he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win
But I'm a sucker for his charm
For his charm
Trouble is a friend Yeah
Trouble is a friend of mine

How I hate the way
He makes me feel
And how I try
To make him leave
I try
Oh, oh, I try



A while ago i decided to temporary close this blog (to export the contents to my other private blog), since i found there’s a stalker been hanging around in my page and spent times too long here for a normal visitor should be.

i’d been monitoring this person’s IP Address, referall URL, pages visiting, the frequency of visiting and of course the time length spent here. It's been a month, or two, for sure. and i’m wondering don’t this person has something else to do than wandering in my page for that long? Like a job maybe, a normal daily work from 8 to 5, with all the deadlines and reports? I mean spending hours here, in a day, for e-ve-ry-day?!! is that a new job?? I don’t quite remember how my page can actually pay someone’s monthly spends anyway (if that’s so, then why i still can’t travel the world in 5stars budget??!!)
It’s quite disgusting if it’s not annoying and irritating, actually.
And i’m pretty concern about the contents here, thou none here is personal, but i’m aware of the possibility of copying the whole ideas i’m pouring here.

Should i close this blog permanently? I’ve been thinking about it, and this idea is actually still in my prior list of action towards this stalker.

Ooh, well... it seems like trouble is a friend of mine? Neah... trouble is our friend. Period.

So i re-open this blog, but soon will close this as the stalker comes back again.
And to the ‘normal’ visitors who’ve been on my guest list for so very long period, since i start blogging, i’ll let you know my new blog, and the password to enter it.
