Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Experiencing the Starbucks Experience

Nganter gw ke Gramedia buat beli kado ultah anaknya temen kantor gw, kakak gw malah jadi juga beli buku hasil rekomendasian gw [dengan setengah maksa sih tepatnya].

Buku itu adalah....

The Starbucks Experience.

Sebelomnya, gw udah tertarik sama buku ini sejak liat referensinya di suatu situs belanja online [entah itu amazon ato ebay]. Apalagi, buku ini mengulik menejemen kedai kopi yang tersohor dan juga jadi favorit gw menikmati segelas latte [tall, sedikit es, setengah takar gula dan setengah takar susu] kalo dompet lagi tebel.

Gw penasaran dengan gimana sih pendiri Starbucks ini bisa bikin sebuah kedai kopi yang begitu tersohornya dan walaupun harus mengeluarkan selembar kertas biru untuk membeli secangkir kopi, kedai itu jaraaang sekali sepi pengunjung. Kadang, malah gak dapet tempat duduk. Bahkan kedai yang baru tahun lalu nangkring di kota Hujan itu [yang tadinya gw pikir bakal segera tutup kembali], pengunjungnya selalu comes and goes, dan saat weekend, kedai itu akan penuh.

Saat gw mulai membaca halaman pertama buku itu, gw pun mulai menikmati ‘The Starbucks Experience’.

Some makes me wonder. Some makes me jealous at the partners [that’s how they call their employee even the barista]. Some makes me realize that business is not all about [just] making money matters. Some makes me learn how to run a good business [thou I’m not intended to in the next year]. Some makes me learn how to really relate to the employees and customers.
Some even makes me experience the coffee itself.

I must admit [thou I’m not finished yet] that this book is one of a good-recommended book. It’s a good book to learn how to run and manage a good business.
It’s also a good thing to go with a nice latte or caramel macchiato and an enjoyable music.

Sumpah, ini pertama kalinya gw begitu well-blended dengan buku non-fiksi khususnya buku BISNIS [iiihhh].

on ears] nemu playlist SAOSIN trus iseng muter... saking penasarannya
blah!!! Another ‘this kind’ of bands?!?! Wonder why they call SAOSIN phenomenal. I myself only enjoy the hit singles VOICES (and btw, in an interview, the band said they’re tired of screamo bands... well, what can I say? They sound exactly that shit)

another quite enjoyable sounds thou....

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Linkin Park: when the wind of change is blowing [really] hard

I must admit that I quite disappointed with Linkin Park’s latest album, ‘Minutes to Midnight’.

I thought and a bit placed a lot of hope that this album was gonna be a major great just like before, with its politely-hardcore tune, since this band is my number one's favorite.
But as the first single came out early this year called ‘What I’ve Done’, I was, immediately, shocked and was wondering why they came up with some easy sounds like that. It’s absolutely way from the long expectation [been 3 years since Meteora, correct? I don't count Collision Course as an album], and all I could think was “is this the spectacular album they’d been talking about?!?!”

It made me think twice to buy the latest album to be honest.

So when it is finally released, I plugged myself ‘walking’ around to find the complete online playlist of this album and it was paid-off as I found one the whole complete playlist including bonus track of the album in one site.

I directly thumped on the play button and listened carefully.

Indeed, they’re changed.

The music seems too poppy and melodic and a bit EMO [if it’s allowed to say so. I admit there’s a bit influence of it] and… less edgy?
Well, sometimes, being a tame is good to be embraced but less challenge to tame it.
And that’s what happened to ‘Minutes to Midnight’.
It sounds too easy. Less challenge so to speak.
Hope sooner, not getting too cheesy, hehem…

Probably because it’s called ‘minutes to midnight’ then the songs sound much more melodic. It’s like a lullaby, really. I guess, from the very beginning of this album it is already been warned what's the album gonna be like. It is written in their first track 'Wake'. An intro that sounds really nice.

The only things define its edginess probably the cuss and curse.
That’s also new to this band. I thought the F-word won’t ever be at their count but what do you know? They put it there now [WTF?!]

I’ve no idea whether they intend to change for good this way or it’s just another experiment.
If it’s just another experiment, I must say that they’re completely success in doing it, but unfortunately quite hiding many sources [like the turn-tables, Mike’s loud-mutter and the likes] that defines Linkin Park from the very beginning.

If it’s for the sake of the ‘market-friendly’, I dare say that they’ve lost then.
Nu-metal is out? Hard-core is dead?
Is it the time where alternative-melodic-rock [if it’s forbidden to say EMO] is the new Nu-Metal/Hard-core nowadays?

It’s like what’s been written in their song called “In Between”.
I somehow feel like that song explains the change they’re in now.
It is never been an easy thing to be genuine.

So which one is the genuine of them then??
The ‘hybrid theory’ era or the ‘minutes to midnight’?
hell yea, everybody's changing. and it is called LIFE.
so, this is the part of Linkin Park really becomes alive, ^_^V
thou I must admit I miss Mike in the new album.

The only songs that ‘cure the itch’ are given up, bleed it out, no more sorrow and hands held high [Amen, hehee].
I don’t know whether No Roads Left is included in the album or not, but I must say it’s a good one too. Mike is really singing, hehem. Kinda rare to get in their early albums.

It needs times to lose my self in this LINKINnew-kind-of-wavePARK I must say.
However, I’ll grab the CD and take it home sometimes this very month. It is worth to collect, right?!

I just can’t imagine Linkin Park really goes acoustic in their next concert. Kinda hard to imagine Chester’s sitting calmly on a chair and singing.


Tracklist Minute2Midnite:
wake/given up/leave all out the rest/bleed it out/shadow of the day/what I’ve done/Hands Held High/No More Sorrow/Valentine’s Day/In Between/In Pieces/The Little Things Give You Away

[on ears now] Hands Held

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Play Here Please!!!

Iseng-iseng kemaren beresin kaset-kaset rekaman koleksi gw terhitung dari taon 95an dan memasukkannya dalam dus-dus sepatu yang gw ambil dari kantor [hehehe, mentang2 kerja di Sepatu].... Busyet!! Banyak beeng yak??? Kalo gw itung-itung sih, koleksi album belian [kaset maupun CD] ama kaset rekaman top40 radio, banyakan yang kedua.

Dulu, gw rajin banget beli kaset kosong yaak?? Langganan gw so pasti Maxell U-90, walau belakangan menurun jadi Sunny C-90 [tetep yang 90menit!] Buat gw, kualitas nomer dua. Yang penting.... DURASI!!

Kalo diitung, kaset rekaman gw mencapai 50biji [itu yang ada di dalem laci dan lengkap, minus yang berserakan entah dimana]. Isinya, masing-masing kaset per-side ada 13-14 lagu... berarti kalo ditotal, gw udah merekam seribuan lagu??? Ckckckckck...

Pengen sih, muter mereka lagi satu per satu, tapi alamaaaakk... sampe kapan itu berakhir? Yah, emang kualitas pita kaset gak bisa tahan lama, beberapa tentunya sudah berjamur dan sedikit butuh perjuangan untuk didengar-ulang.

Well... mungkin suatu saatlah kaset-kaset itu akan berputar kembali. Sekedar mengingat masa lalu dan mengusir jamur yang beranak pinak di pita hitam nan tipis itu. Dan itu juga berarti harus belanja aseton/alkohol [buat ngutek sekalian?? Bukan, buat bersihin cassette-playernya, hihihi]

Oiya, sambil beres-beres koleksi kaset, gw sedikit berkhayal nonton konser. Kira-kira konser apa aja yang pengen gw liat yaak?? Coba di-list akh... 10 aja kali yee, kebanyakan juga bingung bayar tiket nontonnya pake paan...


3. MEW
[bwt ngbuktiin dengan mata dan telinga gw sendiri kalo seorang Jared Leto emang bisa NYANYI]
5. L’ARC~en~CIEL [walau kenyataan pahit mereka hiatus, hiks!!]
6. OASIS [hell yea!! The arrogant bros]
7. SYSTEM OF A DOWN [hoehehehe, ini mah pasti pulang2 babak belur!!! Pastinya, gw nonton sendirian pula, secara none of my friends like them, heheheh!!]
[dan gw udah tau siapa teman nonton gw, the duplicate of Dolores O’Riodan pastinya... hehehehe]
10. LINKIN PARK [for the second times, yesss!!]

...sbenernya the list’s stil goin’ on, tapi kan judulnya Top10, jadi maugakmau cuma 10 dah...

Hmm... sedikit komen tentang Linkin Park juga akhh [males bikin thread baru hehhe]

Linkin Park di urutan akhir?? Secara gw suka banget sama band ini gitu looohhh...
Tapi apa mau dikata, single terakhir mereka yang ‘what I’ve done’ sedikit mengecewakan gw soalnya [plis dah, the na-na-na-na effect is so un-linkin gitu loohh!!!]. Tapi gw tetep mau nonton mereka (lagiiihhh).

Dan recently, gw lagi denger ‘Minutes to Midnite[over&over] secara gratisan [again!!] plus beberapa bonus track juga [hebat juga yang ngoleksinya, beruntunglah gw].
Worth a try juga sih walau sedikit membuat gw mengerutkan kening dan berpikir, ‘what happened to them???’, tapi untungnya masih terobati dengan isu sosial yg menghantui most liriknya (like usual) but anythingelse is different.
Is it because they’re getting older? Or getting maturer? Or getting tamer (not lamer I hope)?? Or... getting tired of screaming thou start cussing now? Or just trying another wave?
Menjadi lebih... melodic sepertinya mereka.

Hmm.... yah, kalo ada spare uang lebih bulan ini, pastinya belilah ntu album!! Worth to collect.

[on ears]
my new favy in ‘Minutes to Midnite’ which i’m sure will be the next single.... Leave Out All The Rest (thou it sounds TOO poppy, i like the words. But again, i think the album itself does sound TOO poppy. I admit, I miss songs like ‘one step closer’)

Monday, May 21, 2007

EMO: dicaci tapi bikin nagih

[bila orang awam merepet soal musik... ^_^V]

Sampe detik ini, gw gak pernah peduli tentang genre musik. Mungkin ini karena sisi ketidaksukaan/keantian gw akan kata label yang bikin gw gak gitu peduli.
Makanya, kalo ditanya “lo suka genre musik paan?”, nah gw bingung jawabnya paan. Secara, sebagaimana makanan, gw tergolong ‘penyantap’ segala, termasuk musik. Emang sih, kalo dangdut, keroncongan, ato campur sari, gak pernah sampe ngelotok merhatiin musiknya, tapi kalo bokap gw lagi nyetel itu di rumah, gw sih asik-asik aja ikut mendengarkan [walau gak sampe menikmati dan soon after that, I just don’t even remember it]

Anyway, beberapa waktu lalu, gw terlibat dalam satu pergulatan mengenai genre musik. Seseorang bersikeras band yang sedang dibahas ada dalam genre musik EMO. Sementara yang lain protes dan menggolongkannya pada simply just a ROCK music, karena bagi dirinya, EMO sucks. Dan, mulailah perseteruan tanpa ujung soal genre musik EMO-rock itu. Yang satu bilang EMO sucks [entah kenapa] dan yang laen bilang EMO is a phenomenal [well...].

Lalu gw? Hanya celingukan dan mengerutkan kening, lalu memutuskan untuk membiarkan mereka ribut sendiri.

Hal ini sebenernya gak jarang ditemuin [baca: pen-denial-an soal EMO]. Banyak banget band yang menolak disebut genre musik EMO dan lebih milih untuk dimasukkan dalam genre ROCK atau INDIE atau PUNK. Para fans dari band-band itu pun bersatu padu untuk memperjuangkan label band mereka untuk keluar dari genre EMO.
Intinya, mereka rela dimasukin kemana aja, asalan bukan EMO. Amit-amit deh EMO, najis!! [begitu mungkin menurut mereka]

Gw sendiri gak ngerti kenapa genre EMO itu begitu dibenci dan disebut musik yang lame, fags, mencoreng, dan segala stigma lain yang mengikutinya lah.
Mungkinkah karena terdengar 'mellow' dan ‘kuping-cewek-friendly’ banget [makanya fansnya juga banyak ceweknya]?? Ato gaya dandanan EMO yang mostly gothic juga cenderung ‘girlie’?? Ato simply karena terlalu mengatasnamakan emosi yang meletup-letup??


Intinya, EMO dijauhi, dibenci dan diharamkan [kasian banget yaa??]. Agak rancu aja. Music is universal, bilangnya gitu, gak kenal diskriminasi.
Tapi buktinya??? Diskriminasi banget gak sih? Apalagi kalo gak mau diklasifikasikan pada genre tertentu hanya karena stigma yang menempel erat di judul genre itu, bukankah??

Sebenernya genre musik EMO tuh seperti apa sih? Terlepas dari faktor eksternal yang mengikutinya ya, macem dandanan gothic gitu [kadang, malah suka iri sama laki yang begitu luwes menggariskan eyeliner ato nyapuin eyeshadow, ckckckck... it’s kinda HOT thou, ;p]
Setau gw, EMO itu singkatan dari EMOtional. Disebut begitu karena musiknya dipenuhi dengan luapan emosionalitas yang tinggi [rasanya kalo dengerin musik mereka, seluruh emosi terserap habis sampe ke tulang, gitu]. Mayoritas sih lagunya tergolong dalem plus gelap [ya liriknya, ya musiknya, ya cara nyanyinya], makanya emosi yang keluar biasanya emosi negatif [pain, hopeless, despair, lost, suicidal, broken, etc.] tapi gak jarang juga bercerita tentang cinta [falling in love, lust, etc.]. Kalo dipikir-pikir sama aja kayak musik ROCK laen bukan?? Cuma, mungkin bedanya, musik EMO itu lebih.... ‘jinak[yeah, seperti gw bilang, ‘kuping-cewek-friendly’].

Kalo gw, nyiriin musik-musik begini itu yang kalo vokalisnya nyanyi, itu saking emosionalnya sampe teriak melengking menyuarakan emosi yang dia rasain [tanpa intervensi rap/R&B tapi ya, purely ROCK]. Pokoknya lengkingannya bikin loe bahkan pengen ikut teriak dan kesakitan deh [ini yang emosinya negatif ya]. Biar gitu, gak asal teriak loh, tapi ada melodinya. Melodrama?? Begitulah... [susah ya ngegambarinnya]

Intinya sih begitu.
Gw sendiri gak jelas ini genre muncul kapan, gimana dan kok iseng banget nyiptain genre beginian, saking kagak ada kerjaan laen apa ya? Ato emang karena sifat manusia yang suka banget nempelin label dimana-mana saking udah keabisan kaleng/jar, hehehe. Alhasil muncullah genre ini di klasifikasi ROCK-music.

Gw sih gak peduli genre paan musik yang gw dengerin, selama itu emang enak and enjoyable, bukan?
Lagian, musik mana sih yang gak pake emosi? Selama yang nyanyi masih dalam spesies manusia, pastinya nyanyi pake EMOsi dong?? Lagian, pengklasifikasian yang aneh kan? Hehehe...

Band yang masih rela diklasifikasikan ke EMO sepertinya tinggal Jimmy Eat World ato Dashboard Confessional. Sementara yang laen udah berlomba-lomba memperjuangkan dirinya digolongkan dalam genre 'musik lain-lain', hehehe.
Padahal, biarin aja ya, selama dia gak digolongin ke popicisan macem Paris Hilton gitu looh [hahaha! Udah total silang genre itu mah ya??]

Apapun itu, pada kenyataannya, musik-musik rock yang dipenuhi dengan luapan emosi dalam melodi kegelapan [pake teriak-teriak kesakitan gituh] sepertinya lagi merajalela di seluruh pelosok dunia [terutama Amrik sih]. Hampir semua band rock menggusung aliran beginian [ato ini yang kebetulan gw denger aja ya??], dengan catatan yang harus digaris-bawahi tebal-tebal, bahwa mereka bukan EMO [whatever... rolling eyes MODE: *ON*]

Ini jadi bukti kalo biarpun EMO dibenci, dicaci dan didiskriminasikan eksistensinya dalam aliran musik rock, tetap musik jenis beginian bikin nagih. Benarkan gw bila salah... admit it, you do enjoy the sound TOO right???

Well, nikmati sajalah selama musik beginian masih menjamur. Mungkin, suatu saat, bila musik ini udah jadi antik dan fosil, baru band-band itu berlomba-lomba memproklamirkan bahwa mereka adalah penggusung genre musik EMO... [yea rite]

“Jadi intinya, lo suka EMO gak?”
Itu yang jadi pertanyaan temen gw.

Well, what can I say? I do enjoy listening the sound-like, but I neither say like it nor hate it. I said, I listen. Okay? Got the picture of it already? Nice...

Pretty enjoyable anyway kok...


[on ears] The Bird and The Used (termasuk band yang ogah banget disebut EMO)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

...30 seconds to Mars...

damn gorgeous Jared Leto... ^_^

Gw gak tau sih, kapan pastinya gw mengenal wajah yang satu ini. Seinget gw sih, dari salah satu halaman majalah terbitan Aussie yang jadi langganan temen masa SMA gw, sepertinya sih di sebuah artikel soal drama remaja bule berjudul ‘My so-called Life’ [gw sendiri belom pernah nonton pelemnya].
Yang bikin gw langsung jatuh cinta sama laki yang satu ini adalah.... matanya.
Bo’!!! Manstap banget dah tuh mata! Sayangnya, di poto yang gw cantumin ini gak jelas-jelas amat, selaen ketutupan poni, dandanan gothic-nya juga menyarukan.

Gw sendiri lupa, film apa yang bikin gw teringat sama muka ni laki. Kayaknya malah gw belom pernah nonton filmnya dia deh... ^_^
Anyway... time goes on dan berita tentang laki ini DROP entah menguap kemana.

Tiba2 di suatu Award [entah itu Award apaan yang gw tonton, berhubungan dengan musik sih sepertinya], ada sesosok laki-laki yang mirrriiiippp buanget sama Jared Leto. Cuma, yang bikin gw gak yakin adalah... [bukan dandanan super gothic-nya] ni cowok dateng gak sendiri, berbanyakan sama cowok-cowok tak dikenal lainnya yang juga berdandan gothic, terus kok mereka nyanyi ya?? [ini bukan vidio klip, tapi yaa ada klip2nya sih, nah di sekilas-klip itulah mereka nyanyi], di banner title tivi pun, pas mereka diinterview, itu tulisannya ’30 Seconds to Mars’, bikin gw makin bingung.

Akhirnya di suatu ketika, gw pun browsing, dan ternyata emang bener, vokalisnya Jared Leto!! Waah... setelah turun pamor dari bintang film, ternyata dia malah bikin band.

Lagunya kayak apa, gw belom pernah denger dan gak tau [gak peduli tepatnya]. Keberadaan Jared Leto sedikit terlupakan oleh gw, sampe weekend kemaren, gw mendapati vidioklipnya [entah judulnya paan. Itu acara musik paan sih, udah gak ada judul lagu gak ada pula artisnya. Dari tu vidio mulai ampe abisan, gw tungguin, kga ada!! Heran!], dan secara penasaran, sekarang gw pun mendengarkan satu album full [A Beautiful Lie], hehehe.
Curiousity kills, indeed!!! Tapi, mau gimana dong, penasaran siih...

Kesan pertama???
My Chemical Romance banget yaak [siapa yang nyontek siapa, gw gak tau dah]...
Suaranya Jared juga lumayan okelah, untuk aliran beginian pas. Musiknya? Ya... begitulah, hehehe... tergolong es-te-de musik jenis beginian memang.
Hey, what do you expect anyway, bukan?

Tapi emang pada kenyataannya sih, industri musik lagi seneng sama yang jenis-jenis beginian. Betul begitu? Coba aja perhatiin dan dengerin. 70% band rock yang booming sekarang [di daratan Amrik khususnya] adalah yang model2 beginian.
Kinda boring but hell yeah... pretty enjoyable sih.

Walau begitu, ada yang satu gak dimiliki band lain selaen ’30 Seconds To Mars’...... ya keberadaan JARED LETO lahhh!!! Hehehehe...

Apakah akan berakhir hanya di satu album?? Tunggu sajalah, hehehe.
Meanwhile, just enjoy another volunteer in music industry, ya gaakk???

Note gak penting tapi perlu ^_^V:

Bo’, ternyata ni cowok udah 35 taon aja gitu yaak???
Weleh...weleh... kok tetep terlihat seperti 25???
Ckckckck.... it’s a prove then, kalo rock-music keeps an aging away!!! HAHAHA!!!
[on ears] From Seconds to Mars (they pretty sound good in live thou)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Mew: 'The Soaring Kites'

Mew [left2right]: johan wohlert (former bass), jonas bjerre, silas graae, and bo madsen

Huh… what is this song?![frowned in disgust]
That was exactly what came across my head first time I heard “Comforting Sounds” by Mew back in early 2003. I got a little suspicious of this sound actually. Hell yea, curiosity kills!! But here in my case, music curious me, always..

But as I listened and listened and surfed their official site, played their media player put on there [back years before, it was a complete tracks], I became really relate to the sounds, really amusing and comforting [indeed]. Actually their songs played important part in my striving for the Bachelor-Thesis [hovering at the lab-comp accompanied with the MEW-sic], which was really dreadful [what’s not!].

I eventually and finally… bought the album, ‘FRENGERS: not quite friends but not quite strangers’ [actually this is their third albums in independent but their first in ‘so-called-major’]. It suites the whole album really [album title and the songs in it], because once you listen to them, you’ll feel kinda related to it but need so many times to really know them piece by piece. So, indeed it is… not quite a friend, but at the exact time, not quite a stranger too.

Two years after [2005], they came back with the new album, new kind of sounds [but still not eliminating the ‘chocking-mellowdy], and surprisedlly, in mid 2006, a breaking news of someone leaving the band for the sake of fatherhood [congratulation anyway. Family’s number one, yea!!].

Despite of all ‘behind the scenes’ of this new record, I must say that this band is really doing something, [I dare say] smart and different.
Indeed. They are, just like proverb said, “the ones who made a difference by withstanding the indifference

So to please my curiosity of, what this new album of Mew is like and will it be an outstanding album like before, I bought the CD of “Mew… and The Glass Handed Kites”. I also kinda worried of possibility that this album was gonna kill me [in the exact meaning] for its boring and lame tunes.
But once I thumped the play button, I was drowned into a surrealist-outer-world. And I was just noticed that the 12 first songs in the album are flowing to one another. It’s like a never ending story. It’s like you never know what will happen next, you’re haunted by curiosity disease of “will it end at the next second?” or “what will the next song’ sound like?”. Each of the song stands independently, but flowing. It’s really different when you listen to the song one by one, randomly and independently then listen to the whole full album constantly.

I can say I was glad that I didn’t die for any boring and lame tunes of this album [since it doesn’t have any boring and lame tunes]. It’s a never ending joyfulness listening to the sounds, over and over and over again.
And I am still glad for that.

One thing that really Mew [I must say that], is the way the music is written. It’s kinda dark, painful, complicating, melancholic-sentiment but it also has spirit and hope in it and hell yea, still you will get a never ending wonder in the meaning of the lyrics [I never really get the lyrics from their early works exactly]. And the high-pitchy-vulnerable voice of Jonas brings you to the outer-space, as always.

A complex vibe in simplicity of comforting sounds”, that’s how to describe Mewsic really in one breath.

You can never portrait them in rock mainstream angle or pop song or worst… a dance-mix. Because they are not in any genre ever created, if that explains the reason.

I myself tend to relate them to the world of ‘alternative-indie-sound’, because whatever it is, their music is a fresh cool breeze from Scandinavia. It’s an “alternate clever medicine” to the sickness.

Latest news I found, they’re heading US for airing their soothing and comforting sounds [US finally!]. It may take a long time to get into the US Billboard Top Ten Chart [side by side with Puff Daddy and Britney Spears?]. Well maybe they should consider inviting Justin Timberlake on their next album to do so [hah!!! Not in this world! Can’t even imagine the art of mellowdy is being crashed and trashed].
But even so I think they’ve managed to bring new sounds to the ears of Americanas [and it’s a worth achievement! YAY!]

Well, guess it’s not overly to say that Mew is the glass handed kites, soaring the wide-sky. Vulnerable but unbreakable and in a complicated way, is unstoppable.

Keep up the great work of art and mewsic, guys!!
Always be your bestest fan!

Mew…and the Glass Handed Kites
Track list:
1. Circuitry of the Wolf 2. Chinaberry Tree 3. Why Are You Looking Grave? 4. Fox Cub 5. Apocalypso 6. Special 7. The Zookeeper’s Boy 8. A Dark Design 9. Saviours of Jazz Ballet 10. An Envoy to the Open Fields 11. Small Ambulance 12. The Seething Rain Weeps for You 13. White Lips Kissed 14. Louise Louisa

My favies: [quite difficult to choose, really] zookeeper’s boy, an envoy to the open fields and I adore the end-part of Louise Louisa it sounds a bit gospel [thou I’m not Christian] while singing the lyric-“I’m in a car, I don’t know where we are headed for. Stay with me, don’t want to be, alone.[It makes you Goosebumps, trust me].

Wednesday, May 09, 2007 space for me to experience MUZIKK

Salute to the invention of the ‘one-click-world’!!!
The birth of ‘’ is like a ‘heaven-saint’ just being sent to me...
Thank goodness...

Sangat suka berkelana di dunia ‘myspace’ [lebih sering berkelana disini malah, dibanding blogwalking, hehehe], karena selaen bisa liat update news sebuah band, bisa juga sekalian dengerin musik mereka. Bahkan gak tanggung2 beberapa band dibawah naungan bendera Indie, dengan royalnya ngasih pre-listening satu album penuh sebelon launching ke pasaran. Benar-benar sayang fans mereka, apalagi fans yang tinggalnya jauh dari jangkauan distribusi CD mereka [baca: harus impor], kayak nasib gw, hehehe.

Agak susah nyari situs resminya beberapa band yang emang ‘kurang didengar’ telinga kebanyakan, dan biasanya mereka lebih milih myspace. Kalo pun dah punya official situs, myspace jadi rumah kedua bagi mereka buat nampung fans [walau jejeran komen fans banyak juga yang spam...], biasanya akses medianya lebih mudah dan lebih banyak.
Inilah, mengapa gw bilang, “myspace is a heaven-saint to me”. Secara, banyak banget band yang gw suka itu selaen susah nyari albumnya, susah juga masuk ke situs resminya.

Enak juga buat band2 yang baru muncul, soalnya bisa sekalian promosi en rekrut fans secara underground. Bisa juga minta ‘advise’ dari band-band major yang berbae hati mau mampir ke myspace mereka dan mendengarkan cuplikan lagunya. Two down in a shot!!

Sempet juga sih terkena sindrom myspace ini jaman masih lucu-lucunya dia [baru lahir, red], trus bikin account di situ, tapi saking gapteknya pada jaman itu, akhirnya itu account dah angus kali sekarang, gak pernah disentuh! Lalu menyesal deh, gara-gara gak punya lagi kesempatan bikin account baru di myspace. Untungnya sih, masih diijinkan berkelana di myspace, kalo udah dipasangin pita kuning ‘police-line’ [seperti frenster dan yahoomail gituh??] itu yang rempong! Bisa hancur diri ini!! ^_^V

Liat myspace orang, [musisi sih kebanyakan], bikin gw termehe-mehe sendiri, susah ya, kalo punya web-designer pribadi, hasilnya gak tanggung-tanggung cuuuyy! Suka ngeberatin sih pas buka, tapi untung loadingnya disini [baca: kantor gw] lumayan cepet.

Just enjoy the space trip!!! ^_^

Sore ini, belum pernah sebegini desperate-nya saat space-wandering lalu melihat icon “online now” berkelip2.... hiks2!!! Kesempatan ‘bicara’ sama bo ato jonas ato silas pupus sudah.... huahuahuaa!!!!!
Just come and play here GUYS!!!!
We’re desperately in need for some MEW-sic!!!


[on ears] some cheesy sounds of ‘Maroon 5 – Makes Me Wonder’ (what happened to the phenomenal ‘Songs about Jane’, guys??)

Friday, May 04, 2007


if you wanna be my friend
you want us to get along
please do not expect me to
wrap it up and keep it there
the observation i am doing could
easily be understood
as cynical demeanor
but one of us misread...
and what do you know
it happened again

a friend is not a means
you utilize to get somewhere
somehow i didn't notice
friendship is an end
what do you know
it happened again

how come no-one told me
all throughout history
the loneliest people
were the ones who always spoke the truth
the ones who made a difference
by withstanding the indifference
i guess it's up to me now
should i take that risk or just smile?

what do you know
it happened again
what do you know

kinda related to this one. love every word of it.
somehow, we just misread someone and being misread by someone (even the closest one) at the exact same time.

what do you know? it happened again.
should you take that risk or just smile?



[on ears] hey, what do you know? of Convenience

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

coffee break

Just had a cup of brewtiful coffee to accompany me spoiling my fetishism for cute looking faces of some Danishes.

What’s new?
Nothing really.
Just enjoying every single sip of a bitter sweet symphony.

Also surfing here and there in some Scandinavian site, flying over many places, kinda hoping one day it wasn’t just a ‘one click journey’ but a real ‘feet on the ground’ and ‘nose in the air’.

What I really need rite now, is a sweet cool breeze of summer.
Is there any way that I can make my dreams come true?? In an instant way I mean!

Wondering whether there is an occupation that allows you to travel anywhere at anytime but still able to save a little room back home. If there is and if it still needs an employee for such a position, then please be kind enough to contact me.

Guess this caffeine has permeated in me, leading me to a parallel sea.
Where would I be then?


[on ears] coffee

note: imagining one day I visit Denmark and having a cup of Danish-coffee in a coffee-house, writing something wonderful inspired by the atmosphere, and hey! Who’s that sitting at the corner of the room? Hehem…… [just a little wish]