Friday, February 27, 2009

Reviewing MONORAL

Quite a while ago, I posted a review of another song from MONORAL called ‘Sometimes’ from their latest album VIA, in my facebook’ note. I put it there so everyone on my facebook’ f-list can read it and get a single clue about MONORAL (hell yea, now I feel like I’m one of those never been created MONORAL Street Team in my country).
I chose ‘Sometimes’ because that song apparently pretty unique to my ears and the lyrics seems knock me out to the bones. Well, most of MONORAL’ songs knock me out actually, but ‘Sometimes’ was the winner that day, so I wrote it, and I felt pretty in mood for that song that day really.

So I tagged my friend, who gladly knows this band and adores every beat and word of MONORAL’ songs, in that note and couple of minutes after, she called me and said, “DAMN you! This one just shot me to the bones! But I totally agree with you.
And then she hung up the phone, but soon after, left a comment on the note: “please, do review Session 9 and Monkey Cage! Please do it! Please! Please! I’m begging you!
I was like, “WHAT?! Are you serious?! Reviewing those two… well, Session 9 only actually… can take 3 days and nights for me to settle my heart at ease before start writing it. I can assure you that!
But she just won’t take “no” for the answer, so I just let her know that I’ll be working on it later.

Well, what do you know?
I’m working on it actually, and yes, this (the review for Session 9) shreds my hearts into zillion pieces. So I’m multitasking right now: listening to Session 9, reviewing it, and trying so hard collecting and gluing my shredded heart into one piece again.

What can I say about this song?
I’m not going to tell you now, because that will be in my next post (or posts in plural??), but to be honest, this song is really suffocating. I think Ali and Anis really got me on this… or maybe lots of me-a-like out there.

But one thing for sure I enjoy reviewing each and every song of MONORAL, because somehow those two beautiful MONORAL people are bleeding their hearts out in creating every single song they have and it is just showed.
I mean, I can feel it. I can actually entwine the whole chemistry in the album.
This is suffocating actually. And yes it’s hard, and sometimes I could be really tired after listening to the whole album in a trance mode to do this (entwining), but… I like it. I like doing it actually. And I got really addicted to it. And MONORAL…. This is why I love MONORAL, because I can splurge this insanity I have to the fullest.

So I guess there will be lots of MONORAL reviews in any blogs I have, and my facebook’s note also. Be prepare for it and hell, I know lots of my friends would go.. “nutty nutty Niken is back with her insanity world, and that means hell.
And I’ll be talking back at them, “hell to you too, pals. Cheers!

I’m signing off now and will be having a great weekend by reviewing MONORAL (all weekend?? Yes *nodding*)

Save water. Drink beer.
Cheers again!

related posts about MONORAL:

MONORAL: who?!
Session 9: when romantic doesn't have to be poetic
Listening MONORAL: enjoy riding rollercoaster of emotions
Videos of MONORAL on YouTube
Side note: Being confused in Japanengrish

Making love with my ears: MONORAL – Session 9


  1. Haha.. Monkey Cage and Session 9 are actually my favorite MONORAL's songs! (although number 1 for me is still Kiri)

    Btw, makasi udah mampir ke blog gue. Hehehe... Salam kenal. Gue tunggu postingan MONORALnya. Jarang-jarang nemu orang yang suka MONORAL juga :)

  2. kiri is the monoralish song i bet. bener2 menggambarkan monoral. mereka cocok untuk lagu begitu.

    dan gw rasa, di album VIA, yang bertugas menyandang 'monoralish' song adalah sun shadow, it has the same vibe with kiri... i think.

    anyway, thanks juga mampir balik ke sini. lucunya, kita dihubungkan oleh 2 makhluk menawan bernama ali dan anis itu ya...

    yayaya... gak banyak orang suka MONORAL sebenernya karna mereka belom denger ato mungkin punya pemikiran yang sama dengan gw di masa lalu, hihi.
    mungkin perlu kita bikin kampanye? lagi musim kampanye kan tuh? tapi kampanye kita berjudul "memasyarakatkan MONORAL di Indonesia" hahaha...

    oia, soal review session 9 udah kelar, belom sempet bawa ke kantor bwt diposting (numpang net gratis,hihi), tp ada precautionnya: jangan ngarep reviewnya penuh jargon musik krn gw sama sekali buta musik, hahaha

