Sunday, April 12, 2009

3:00 AM

For some people, insomnia can be the meanest killer. Thus they try so bad to avoid it or eliminate it by prescribing insomniac killer. Sometimes they even go to a psychiatric or psychologist to get a special treatment, because somehow unfinished business can be the trigger. That’s why they need help to dig their unconscious layer to find it and solve it.

While to me?
I tend to make myself insomnia, especially when it comes to weekend or holiday.
I force myself to take a nap for an hour or two, overflowing myself caffeine, or listening to rock music, just to keep myself awake.

Yea I know. Weird isn’t it?
Why do I have to force myself to stay awake till the morning comes?
Well, the answer is when night falls and the world is sleeping, that’s the moment when your brain actually comes alive.
Uhm, or at least… my brain does.

At night till dawn, that’s the time when I can actually feel free; free roaming my own self, surfing every corner of my brain. So that, many things I can write about, even nonsense.

Would that make me a writer?
Hell no!
I write things I want to, and when I want to.
I think I can’t be a journalist or any other kind of good writer out there, because I rarely write things people want to read. I write what interests me the most. And I hate being pushed to write something I don’t like.

Hmm… not a typical writer should be right?

Well, it’s not 3:00AM yet, but lately, that’s the exact time I actually rest my brain when it comes to weekend.
I’m not the kind of person who likes to mix professional and personal matters at once so that I choose weekend to be fully infected by ‘insomnia viruses’.
Hmm, now I do sound like a snob.

Cheers anyway!

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