Friday, April 17, 2009

Art of traveling: LOST

And by saying LOST, I mean in both way: in translation and in direction

Those two are what you’ll get when you’re roaming a new place from corner to corner and before you start wandering, you’d told your brain to take a fully vacation and let your feet do the thinking. Just let your feet decide what to do and where to go. And to add here, the map, as your second life, is completely set inside the bag and you insist your brain not to tell your hands to pick it up. So practically, you’re just wandering around, aimlessly. Or should I say the only aim you have is to really experience the new life by letting yourself lost.

But that’s the fun of it (traveling I mean). And I love experiencing that kind of art. That’s why often time I choose to walk rather than taking bus or MTR/MRT or any other transportation. That way, I can see many, hear a lot and taste numerous kinds of tastes. You’ll find lots and lots of things that you’ve never expected before; local habits, local dos and don’ts, even stepping on a different contour land.

Those things fascinate me a lot.

This may take hours and in the end, you’ll find yourself completely lost (in direction) and need an assistance, but what will you get when you’re traveling to the country where English becomes the third… or fourth… or even fifth language? Exactly! Lost in translation.

Sometimes, they even freaking out waving their hands avoid answering and shouting “no English, no English!” and leave you completely confused by their responses or probably wondering whether your appearance resembles bad guy/girl. I once even made a young girl desperately crying for she couldn’t help me pointing the way back to my hostel, thou I didn’t push her to show me the direction. I tried to chill her out, but she felt so guilty, so between her crying, she led me to the nearest hotel, asked the receptionist to guide me back. Poor her.

It is fun thou, having yourself lost in both terms and take times just to wander around, anonymously, aimlessly; capturing every single new kind of thing. I always call it a privilege to a traveler and I would LOVE to experience it again one day, hopefully soon.

So once you have the chance to travel around, be sure to experience the art of traveling: LOST. And enjoy every single step you take for it may only come once.



Side note:

Some times ago, I posted this in my MySpace’ Blog.
I came to a decision to post this as I was re-reading the whole traveler’s journal editions I had written here. Pretty much missing every single step I leave behind. And oops, I still have few parts left to write and publish here soon. Well, maybe this weekend I’ll finish it.

Anyway, I probably not a true adventurer, but it is true that once you get a chance to experience new place, it’s better to let yourself LOST, because somehow you’ll find many interesting things. Probably things that won’t ever happen (again) to you if you hadn’t been lost at the fist place.

Enjoy the art of traveling and may you find yourself.
Hmm… just like tag line in the film Australia does:
sometimes you have to get lost just to find yourself

Cheers again!!!

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