Thursday, April 30, 2009
“What the hell?!”
I was grinning.
“Hmm, so you know the answer now?”
I nodded cheerfully.
“What took you so long to realize it? Why did you have to draw those signs too clearly?”
I shrugged.
“You know I was mad at you. I was upset. I was annoyed and unsecured. And… you were just being not you.” He stopped to cynically sigh, “And today, you change the pace too fast. That’s harsh.”
I sighed, “in the beginning, I wrote: the more I am pushed, the more I am pulling away because I’m selfish and I’m unkind. Doesn’t it suppose to be a clue?”
He sighed again, only a little bit heavier this time.
“Some things are never changed. Well anyway, I’m taking nothing but you, as always.”
I smiled. He smiled.
I guess there will be much more fun ‘insomnia days’ to spend with.
I’m super excited for this.
Hmm, should we start stacking bags of coffee, like from now?
Can’t wait!
Silverchair – Insomnia
“I’ll stay awake all day! I’ll stay awake all day….” *relieved, more than ever*
for once.
‘nuff said
..Listening to Shut Up by Simple Plan..
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Guards of Mice
I will always be by your side
It only takes two to make it happen
Oh take these words in advance
There's always reasons and place to be
Please praise and face weather
Life isn't easy to race away
Please contain your actions
Light the sky with peace
And you'll find some answers
'Cause these are the words to make it happen
Make it happen
and face your ghosts
If you ever meet resistance
I will always be by your side
You'll always know how to make it happen
Oh take these words in advance
There's always reasons and place to be
Please praise and face weather
Life isn't easy to race away
Please contain your actions
Light the sky with peace
And you'll find some answers
'Cause these are the words to make it happen
Make it happen
and face your ghosts
Face your ghosts
Face your ghosts
Face your ghosts
Face your ghosts
Oh take these words in advance
….by MONORAL …
Despite of the ‘bright day’ today, somehow I’m not feeling okay by the end of it.
Maybe this is due to lack of sleeping the day before? I only had like less than 2 hours sleeping and I think that affects a little.
So I put this song on the player and let it played for quite some times, over and over. Wishing this song would remind me that I should face my own ghosts to conquer my own fears. That way, I can move on and leave the past behind. As in my story today, I shall be able to leave my ‘sickness’ behind and welcoming the evening sky.
Hmm, really hope for those twinkling stars will befriend me as I walking the pathway.
A bit about this song, first time I read the title, before I pushed the ‘play’ button, I had a thought, “Guards of mice? What is it? It’s kind of a soundtrack for the book ‘of mice and man’ by John Steinbeck?”
So when it’s the song turn to play, I listened to it carefully and somehow, it does seem like that, haha… thou I bet it’s nothing like that.
Like the song.
[eerr, come again, which of MONORAL’ I don’t like?? hihi]
[oo well, I think I'll rest my bones a little earlier tonight. but!! will this Brian do the same? *sigh*]
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Weird Kind Of Swings
If all my make up
And all that comes with it
Was washed away
And now I fear
Those weird kind of swings
If all that you're made of
And all that goes with it
Keeps reminding me
Annoying me
I'm afraid of the words
That slaps again
Waiting for the pain
No really I'm off the frame
I'm aware and heading there again
Of course we got plans
I'll kick ass all the same
Well I could've been in this
Weird kind of swings
Why all the fuss
It wears me out of luck
Lighting up my seeds
Where should I lounge?
The choice is yours
Am I too close
Count me in your feast
[dedicated to the ‘one’ in the Attic that’s been locking the door and won’t let me in]
It’s 3:19 AM and still he won’t talk to me.
He still keeps his silent mode on.
Hates something that he won’t tell me what it is.
Or maybe I know what makes him acting like that, but I keep ignoring that and he hates me for doing such thing. I know that this thing makes him irritated and unsecured. But I keep on ignoring it, pretending that it won’t annoy him.
I think I was wrong.
First time in my life he’s doing such thing *sigh*
So I just put that song here.
The song he adores a lot.
Hope to cheer him up, but I’m afraid it won’t do much, though he’ll chew it anyway.
*sigh again*
“I’m sorry for I putting that kind of mask instead of the kind I would usually have. Sorry for I becoming someone else, someone you hate the most.”
I miss you.
(again, a personal life. damn sorry.but hey, at least you can copy the lyrics above and ignore the sidenote^^V)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Side note – Being Confused in Japanengrish
While writing the post below, I was also checking out the band MONORAL’ blog which had been already updated for 3 days in a row (which I bet it won’t be too long until they give up writing it DAILY, hahaha!!!).
It’s a good thing thou, so the fans know the latest thing about MONORAL and I think that make the fans feel connected to them.
Anyway, what I hate the most and sadly I’ve no idea where I should ask for it (again) is the fact that they wrote it in JAPANESE. God! I’m not good at it and hell, just learn it, so practically I have no idea what they are writing about. Thank goodness they put pictures on it, but thou pictures say with sights what we can’t say with words, sometimes pictures can also lead you to a wrong side.
And that google translation, OMG! that can only make my brain twisted in a Japanengrish words even more and I’ve no clue at all what to do with those words. They look pretty puzzled to me!
Well, of course the fact that MONORAL keep updating the blog daily has fascinated me and yes that is something I could not ask for more. So I think I’ll just happily let my brain twisted in puzzle-ness of Japanengrish. Thou that make my comment there sound stupid (I don’t know, but I feel my comment is so silly there)
Ooh well, I’m happy they’re updating it anyway and thankful for that ANYWAY
(thou it might be nicer if they would slip in some English like they used to do back then)
ooh boy, what the heck am I talking about here?!
And to MONORAL, keep blogging!
[Hell! I’m saying that as if they’d actually read my blog.
Silly! Keep dreaming, Ken!!!]
like to visit MONORAL' blog? then click here but make sure that if you don't know anything about Japanese, tool yourself with a good translation site or software (if you're not too lazy to install it), or don't bother if you just want to enjoy the pics *big grin*
related posts about MONORAL:
Session 9: when romantic doesn't have to be poetic
Listening MONORAL: enjoy riding rollercoaster of emotions
Yea, still listening to Placebo and now it’s Twenty Years (one of my all times favorite)
“some will hold the rope some hold the rose” *grinning*
Friday, April 17, 2009
VAMPS – EVANESCENT PV (new video of new single)
Checking out the facebook page of VAMPS and suddenly the status said: “wishes fans would check out EVANESCENT PV”
I started wondering “a NEW PV?!?! Why didn’t I get the notification from Vamprose Channel?”
So I searched for it on YouTube and bam!!!
This is the video…
Credit to hydeaddict666 who posted this to YouTube
I’m kind of wondering (again) “why on earth VAMPROSE Channel wasn’t the first to launch it and instead a fan did it?” (Is it because J is on the road with MONORAL and no one actually cares enough to post it on YouTube channel? Hmm…. *shrugging*)
I think this song is a bit popish and reminds me to Time Goes By (another VAMPS single), probably KAZ was the one who composed it? And the video resembles to Laruku’s Hitomi no Juunin (at least some part and it's in black and white).
But I like the ticking clock in the beginning of the PV.
I supposed this is a sad song. I haven’t found the lyrics and I don’t know Japanese that much so I can’t tell what the song is all about, but seeing how Hyde sings it and the scenes of the PV, I think it’s not a happy ending song. Probably about losing someone and still memorizing her and the fact that she still alive within him for… ever (?) but he still has to manage to move on.
This is my first time listening to this song, so I can not tell whether I click to it just yet, but I’m sure I’m gonna like it a lot. I think this is better than Trouble, haha… that song indeed is a dope, but I think it is only better on stage, to amuse fan’s desire for fan service I supposed.
Yea… it resembles to Time Goes By as I listened to it couples of times while writing this. Can be my next favy I bet.
And… the album is going to be released. 13 tracks plus DVD (for the limited edition) and if I’m not mistaken, it will be tagged for…. 3500¥ from CDJAPAN (hmm…. I think I’ll dig my savings to purchase it and YES I have to SHIP it…. good ~,~")
And please do enjoy the beauty of Hydeness… (he looks old here, although he IS old anyway *grinning*)
Art of traveling: LOST
Those two are what you’ll get when you’re roaming a new place from corner to corner and before you start wandering, you’d told your brain to take a fully vacation and let your feet do the thinking. Just let your feet decide what to do and where to go. And to add here, the map, as your second life, is completely set inside the bag and you insist your brain not to tell your hands to pick it up. So practically, you’re just wandering around, aimlessly. Or should I say the only aim you have is to really experience the new life by letting yourself lost.
But that’s the fun of it (traveling I mean). And I love experiencing that kind of art. That’s why often time I choose to walk rather than taking bus or MTR/MRT or any other transportation. That way, I can see many, hear a lot and taste numerous kinds of tastes. You’ll find lots and lots of things that you’ve never expected before; local habits, local dos and don’ts, even stepping on a different contour land.
Those things fascinate me a lot.
Side note:
Some times ago, I posted this in my MySpace’ Blog.
I came to a decision to post this as I was re-reading the whole traveler’s journal editions I had written here. Pretty much missing every single step I leave behind. And oops, I still have few parts left to write and publish here soon. Well, maybe this weekend I’ll finish it.
Anyway, I probably not a true adventurer, but it is true that once you get a chance to experience new place, it’s better to let yourself LOST, because somehow you’ll find many interesting things. Probably things that won’t ever happen (again) to you if you hadn’t been lost at the fist place.
Enjoy the art of traveling and may you find yourself.
Hmm… just like tag line in the film Australia does:
Cheers again!!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Real Writing Trial: Randomized Topic - Frostbite
Not so sure about writing this actually. But I was tricked to challenge Brian (my brain, red.) to process any randomized topic (those I’m never interested to or even I never have thought about yet) and see if he can manage doing such thing.
So I asked my dear best friend to come out with any topic she’d like and this was the only thing that could come up from her head.
And damn! I have no clue at all.
So I googled it and wikied it and boom, lots of things about frostbite can actually be found there. But that doesn’t mean that my job is done, right?
Hmm, what can I say about frostbite?
What is frostbite anyway? Well, according to wikipedia (here, I copied and pasted it), frostbite is the medical condition wherein localized damage is caused to skin and other tissues due to extreme cold. It is most likely to happen in body parts farthest from the heart and those with large exposed areas.
What it is like? Hmm… I scrolled down again and found out that there are 3 stages of frostbite, from the lowest level to the severe.
At the lowest level, it is said that you’re your skin color will be yellowish or white and accompanied with burning sensations. This can be reduced by warming the effected area.
The second one happens after continued exposured. Your skin is no longer yellow or white but it’s reddening and swelling, and the burning sensation is almost lost.
While the third one, will cause your skin looks waxed and hard due to the death of the skin and at this stage edema (abnormal accumulation of fluid beneath the skin) may occur because somehow skin starts loosing blood. Well, I’m sure this is because the blood can’t distribute oxygen really well to every part of your body.
If it’s not treated immediately, then it can become permanent. The frostbitten area will turn to purplish and soon it turns black. And nerves in the frostbitten area will slowly die. Blister might also occur. And at some level, this may need amputation.
Whatta scary condition!
And for the treatment, there’s only one word involved: WARM your body, passively or actively.
Actively warming your body means you need to immerse your injured tissue in water-bath that is held just above the body temperature, not too hot.
Hmm… I think I’ll go with the first one, because it is said that passively warming involves some activities such as rubbing, massaging, applying body heat via skin contact with another person…. *sluuurrpp*
Wait. Back to the topic, pleaaase!
To prevent the frostbite you need to know what factors contribute it. Those can be extreme cold, inadequate clothing, wet clothes, wind chill and even poor circulation.
I think, the best way to prevent frostbite is to keep your body warm by any means, could be with warm and dry clothes, using gloves can also help and even socks. And try to manage the circulation so that oxygen can flow freely to the lungs and blood will happily distribute it even to the farthest part from heart.
And this is not only happening when we’re traveling to ice-cold places. It might also happen in Air Conditioned room, especially to those who spend their day more than 8 hours in it without stepping outside for a while. Unconsciously, your oxygen level will drop and that causes your skin dried then died.
Carefull with it.
just make sure to keep your body warm, in any ideas you might have, heheh^^
I made it!
I finished writing it!
And it’s absolutely not my style, I must admit it. I tend to just copy and paste some from here and there, and this Brian didn’t work hard at all, except managing which one I should put on which one I shouldn’t…
I think I need more practice.
Well, anyway see ya later, but next times, I’ll do my own way
Monday, April 13, 2009
Videos of MONORAL on YouTube
Take a short break while meeting today, I watched these videos on YouTube (again) during lunch. Pretty hilarious and entertaining I have to say about the videos. I just love how these two can develop such a kewll chemistry, so the conversations become flowing.
Not every word of them I get the point since I don’t speak Japanese, French nor Spanish, but seeing those expressions and how they speak the words fascinates me the most.
And I think I’ve learnt the lesson very well of not asking (or even begging) any English subtitles again to whoever out there, even the authors, since they won’t provide it, in any excuses they have.
So I’ll just enjoy them anyway, thou I’ve no clue about them.
1. Monoral – (I guess they’re talking about the vamprose channel on youtube, no idea :D )
2. Monoral – VIA france/spain tour 2009 message
Guess this is a good way to entertain myself before getting into the room again and feeling twisted with those shoes thingies. Part of the job I don’t fancy a much ^^V
I’m packing things up again and ready heading the room.
Have a nice meeting to myself,
related posts about MONORAL:
Session 9: when romantic doesn't have to be poetic
Listening MONORAL: enjoy riding rollercoaster of emotions
Sidenote: being confused in Japanengrish
Sunday, April 12, 2009
3:00 AM
For some people, insomnia can be the meanest killer. Thus they try so bad to avoid it or eliminate it by prescribing insomniac killer. Sometimes they even go to a psychiatric or psychologist to get a special treatment, because somehow unfinished business can be the trigger. That’s why they need help to dig their unconscious layer to find it and solve it.
While to me?
I tend to make myself insomnia, especially when it comes to weekend or holiday.
I force myself to take a nap for an hour or two, overflowing myself caffeine, or listening to rock music, just to keep myself awake.
Yea I know. Weird isn’t it?
Why do I have to force myself to stay awake till the morning comes?
Well, the answer is when night falls and the world is sleeping, that’s the moment when your brain actually comes alive.
Uhm, or at least… my brain does.
At night till dawn, that’s the time when I can actually feel free; free roaming my own self, surfing every corner of my brain. So that, many things I can write about, even nonsense.
Would that make me a writer?
Hell no!
I write things I want to, and when I want to.
I think I can’t be a journalist or any other kind of good writer out there, because I rarely write things people want to read. I write what interests me the most. And I hate being pushed to write something I don’t like.
Hmm… not a typical writer should be right?
Well, it’s not 3:00AM yet, but lately, that’s the exact time I actually rest my brain when it comes to weekend.
I’m not the kind of person who likes to mix professional and personal matters at once so that I choose weekend to be fully infected by ‘insomnia viruses’.
Hmm, now I do sound like a snob.
Cheers anyway!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
The Traveler’s Journal 3rd Volume “Enjoy Asia” Intermezzo: Perjuangan Mendulang ‘emas’ di HMV Hongkong

Betul sekali!
Tapi HMV bukan sembarang toko musik. Jaringannya cukup luas dan isinya sendiri boleh dibilang lengkap, terlebih HMV Hongkong cukup lengkap untuk koleksi kitaran Asia. Banyak CD atau DVD artis Asia yang gak masuk ke toko musik Indonesia, tapi bisa ditemuin di toko ini.
Berdasarkan info juga, HMV itu tersebar di negara-negara: Inggris & Irlandia, Canada, Singapura dan Hongkong. FYI, HMV Japan gak lagi dibawah HMV Group (udah dijual), itu juga berdasarkan info dari Om Wiki.
Di Hongkong sendiri outlet HMV ada di 5 atau 6 tempat, salah satunya, ada di daerah kitaran Haiphong itu. Makanya, gw pun menjadwalkan lawatan khusus ke HMV ini setelah dari Avenue of Stars dengan satu tujuan mulia.
Tujuan gw yang sangat mulia itu adalah “membeli 2 DVD L’Arc~en~Ciel Are You Ready Mata Heart Ni Hi Wo Tsukero in Okinawa dan Theater of Kiss”
Kenapa di HMV Hongkong?
Karena harganya setengah dari harga yang musti gw bayar kalo gw maksa punya saat release dan keukeuh shipping dari Jepang. Klo shipping harus bayar 7680¥ untuk satu DVD, klo di sini, cukup 210$HK saja satunya.
Hmm... gak masalah deh tulisan Made In-nya Hongkong (bukan Jepun) dan kenyataan bahwa gak dapet merchandise seperti klo kita beli pre-sale, yang penting kan... GW PUNYA DVD LARUKU!!!! Hahaha!!! Buseett, udah nabung buat ngoleksi seluruh DVD Laruku dari sejak kerja 5 taon lalu, kaga juga kebeli saking gak tega shipping dari Jepun, sampe-sampe ntu pundi Laruku udah gw bocorin buat ini itu, haha!!
Tapi eh tetapi, klo ngandelin ingatan gw buat nemu toko HMV itu, ternyata hampir bikin kami kesasar (yea, what’s new??). Secara dulu, pertama kali ke Hongkong, gw nemu HMV itu juga gak sengaja, gara-gara kesasar juga tepatnya sih. Jadi kga merhatiin nama jalannya, gak juga merhatiin disain toko ato ancer-ancernya.Dulu yang penting mampir en numpang denger CD gratis, sambil secara udik nyobain touchscreen option nyari CD/DVD disitu, hahaha dasar bekpeker norak!
Setelah hampir ngitarin tempat yang sama 2 kali, akhirnya gw menemukannya sodara-sodara!!! Hurraaay!!
Begitu masuk HMV, rasanya gw berada sekian jengkal dekatnya dari takdir gw bertemu akang Hyde dan sobat-sobatnya itu. Kluyuran tiap row, sampe pusing, kok gw kagak nemu-nemu ya? Deretan musik Jepun sebelah mana sih? Dengan sabar, gw ngitarin toko yang luasnya sekantor gw itu (ini kantor gw yang kecil, ato HMVnya yang gede yaa?) dan level excitement gw pun berangsur melemah. Bahkan hampir redup dan mati.
Temen gw yang prihatin akan kesehatan mental gw pun membesarkan hati, “coba tanya deh.”
Alhasil, gw pun menurut dan nanya ke mba-mba di kasir, “do you have Laruku’s DVD?” (gw memakai Laruku, karena gw pikir mereka seperti Jepun people yang kga bisa bilang L’Arc~en~Ciel)
Si mba-mba menatap gw bingung, “what?”
“Laruku. Laruku’s DVD,” gw keukeuh pake ‘Laruku’
“Ohh! DVD? Upstairs. All DVD is upstairs.”
Gw bengong.
Busyet! Kantor gw berarti kecil buanget ya? HMV masih punya satu lantai lagi di atas?! Kok gw dulu gak nyadarin itu ya??? Ckckckck... norak banget sih gw! Tuhaaannn!!!
Jreng jreng!!!
Dan benar saja! Semua DVD memang ada di atas.
Tapi semuanya DVD film yang nota bene, kga ada tuh section DVD musik. Mo nangis rasanya. Takdir yang tinggal sejengkal itu, nyatanya akan pupus tak bersisa.
“tanya lagi deh Put! Masa’ kga ada sih? Lo udah browsing kan?” dukung temen gw gak putus asa.
“udah browsing! Sampe udah tau harganya segala kok! Apa itu khusus item buat online shopping ya?” ujar gw sambil ngiterin tiap row.
Udah hopeless, gw pun menuju kasir lagi, nanya mba-mba kasir lantai 2.
“Excuse me, do you have Laruku’s DVD?” tanya gw.
“Hmm?” mba-mba itu menelengkan kepalanya, dan mendadak gw sadar akan kesalahan gw selama lebih dari 15 menitan itu...
“I mean L’Arc~en~Ciel DVD,” koreksi gw cepat.
“Akh! L’Arc~en~Ciel!!” seru si mba itu, “downstair, and you can find it at the Korean Japanese Music section.”
“But I’m looking for the DVD not CD,” gw meyakinkan si mba-mba itu, jangan sampe gw harus naek turun lantai karena salah ngerti lagi.
“Yes I know. The DVD is side by side with the CD. We put them together. It’s in the row C,” perjelas mba-mba itu sebelum kewalahan ngurusin seorang pelanggan.
Jangan-jangan tadi waktu gw bilang “Laruku’s DVD”, mba-mba yang dibawah mikir gw nyari pelem horor keluaran Thailand lagi yaa?? Hiiiisssss!!!
Dengan harapan yang sudah meredup dan perasaan, “sudahlah, kalo gak ada juga, berarti emang gak jodoh”, gw pun menyusuri kembali row per row lantai bawah toko itu. Dan ternyata, ada satu bagian yang belum gw perhatikan benar-benar, yaitu di bagian belakang. Gw sambangi daerah itu, dan memang daerah Korean-Japanese.
Akkh!! Japanese Band!! Itu diaaa section-nya!! Sorak gw girang dalam hati saat lihat ada beberapa artis Jepang yang gw kenal namanya, terpajang disitu.
Gw langsung menghambur ke satu lemari dan tanpa perhatiin sekitar, ndeprok (duduk) di lantai HMV memilah-milah satu per satu DVD dan CD yang ada disana.
Jantung gw mulai gak tentu berdegup. Adakah?? Adakah???
Kenapa semuanya Arashi?? Oooh... Laruku kau kemana???
Temen gw yang liat gelagat panik gw pun menghampiri.
“Ada put?!”
“Gak tau! Semuanya kenapa Arashi dan Kat-Tun siih??” rengek gw kesal, sementara temen gw pastinya gak ngerti apa maksud dua kata Jepun yang gw sebut barusan.
Namun sepertinya, Tuhan sudah cukup mengisengin gw maka Beliau pun dengan baik hati menyembulkan sinarNya diantara lemari itu.
“Akkkh!!!” sorak gw tertahan saat melihat cover bertuliskan Theater of Kiss. Tinggal satu!!!
Cepet-cepet gw tarik dan gw peluk, kayak nemu anak gw yang ilang aja...
Temen gw sampe cengok liat kelakuan gw, “itu doang?!”
Gw geleng-geleng, “ada dua sih, tapi... gak tau ada apa enggak.”
“ya udah, cari lagi aja,” dukung dia yang baik hati itu.
Dan cover pink/ungu muda itu pun mencuat dalam pandangan gw.
“AYR!!” pekik gw tertahan lagi dan meraih DVD itu, memasukkannya dalam pelukan gw, bersama dengan Theater of Kiss.
Mungkin, kalo ada yang liat kelakuan gw waktu itu akan berpikir, “ni cewek baru keluar dari RSJ mana ya? Norak ato gila beneran sih sebenernya?” HAHAHA!!!
“udah? Yakin?” pertegas temen gw yang geli sendiri liat kelakuan gw itu.
Gw masih menatap nanar pada deretan DVD Laruku di jejeran itu. Tersempil diantara Ayumi dan entah band Jepun apaan lagi karna gw gak merhatiin dengan jelas.
Ada beberapa lagi DVD Laruku yang belom gw punya seperti deretan Chronicles 1-4, Awake... akkkh, tapi kan gw gak se-kaya itu! Mo bayar pake paan? Belom lagi si Laruku ini mo ngeluarin DVD Live in Paris sama L’7 Documentary... waaakkkss!! Laruku emang satu-satunya band yang bener-bener sanggup bikin gw mati miskin! And all those photos books.... *sigh*
Sekali lagi temen gw mempertegas, “beneran nih? Mumpung di HMV.”
Gw menatap dirinya nelangsa, tega banget siiih???
Akhirnya, gw pun manggut-manggut, “udah kok. Yuk.”
Daripada gw beneran gila dan diangkut ke RSJ Hongkong gara-gara pengen semua DVD itu tapi kga sanggup bayar???
Untung banget kga nemu MONORAL disitu, kalo iya, bisa miskin mampus beneran dah gw ^^V (nampaknya MONORAL hanya menjual di HMV Japan tidak di HMV Group, hiikkss)
Dan dengan baik hatinya, temen gw itu minjemin kartu kreditnya yang jatuh temponya itu masih lama. Kalo kartu gw sayangnya jatuh cycle di tanggal 15, sementara kala itu adalah tanggal 13, kalo gw pake kartu gw, artinya gw beneran miskin di akhir bulan. HAHAHAHA!!!
Keluar dari HMV dengan garis senyum memenuhi wajah dari ujung ke ujung. Lebaaaaarrr banget! Dada gw juga sepertinya begitu luas dan hati gw membengkak besar saking bahagianya.
Dan temen gw, menawarkan satu hal yang hampir bikin gw pingsan di tempat, “kita jalan kaki yuk ke hostelnya.”
Itu satu hal yang gw gak sangka akan keluar dari mulutnya.
“beneran?!” pertegas gw setengah gak yakin.
“iya. Jauh gak?”dia pun sebenernya ragu.
“ya jauhlah. Kata peta sih 3 kiloan. Tapi gw juga gak tau. Mongkok – Tsim Sha Tsui.... 4 stasion sih.”
“sepanjang jalan, toko semua kan?”
“sepanjang Nathan Road sih emang toko.”
FYI, yang namanya Nathan Road itu panjangnya mungkin 20 kalinya Jalan Sudirman (jakarta) deh, pokoknya puanjaaaangg buanget dan sepanjang itu juga isinya adalah... TOKO. Aneka toko dah. Jalan itu juga yang menghubungkan Mongkok dengan TST.
Dan diputuskanlah... TST-Mongkok ditempuh dengan.... KAKI.
Sempet nemu satu spot lucu soal pet yang jadi layar halte bis.
Sayangnya gak bisa full masuk target kamera, kepotong. Dan kalo gw ikutan pose, jadi gelap. Padahal ada tuh yang gw berdiri disamping kelinci dengan gaya mirip binatang-binatang itu, sampe diketawain sepasang Ori yang juga ikutan moto iklan layanan masyarakat ituh.
Back to the journey, setelah dijalani, ternyata kok gak nyampe-nyampe ya ke hostel? Gw pun memutuskan untuk naek MTR aja di Yau Ma Tei yang notabene sebenernya tinggal sejengkal lagi dari Mongkok, tapi daripada kaki potong sebelom gw nyicipin jalan kaki di daerah Central dan Wan Chai, maka kami pun hop in the next train dari stasion Yau Ma Tei dan sampe di hostel 10 menit kemudian.
Sampe gw tidur, senyum lebar ini masih membekas di wajah dan kedua DVD itu pun terbungkus rapi dalam kantong HMV, di dekat gw. Ckckckck....
Bestfriending with the ears: Laruku past times hehe
Setelah sekian lama diacuhkan, gw pun memutuskan kembali dengan traveler’s journal ini^^
Masih ada sekian part yang nunggu publish, tapi blm sempet aja mo dibawa (buat numpang internet gratisan di kantor) haha!
much much thanks to juicy; buat nemenin kesasar demi nyari HMV, bantuin nyari dvd-2 itu, membesarkan hatiku biar gak nyerah, dan tentunya, minjemin kartu kreditnya, hehehe...^^V
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
INCUBUS : pre-sales tickets and pre-order “Monuments and Melodies” (a two disc greatest hits album of the band)

No overseas tour dates sadly, and I think instead of pre-ordering the album and going bankrupt, I’ll just wait till the album is being launched here in my country. Not because I don’t care about the band and ignore them, but… gosh!! My wallet really needs a BREAK.
Anyway…. I’ve listened to the newest single “Black Heart Inertia”, one of the new songs that will be included in the album and well… of course I like it!! Which one of Incubus that I don’t like anyway right?
But honestly, this song kind of reminding me to one or two songs of them, well I’ll figure out later.
And by listening to it, I can already imagine how the live would be like.
Damn! I miss experiencing their live performance.
Will they ever consider of playing here (in Jakarta) again, sometime within this year, soon? I’m so going to buy the ticket and will nail myself in the first row (hoping will get the pick again!)
Ooh! And the site!
You (the Incubus fans) must visit it!
I like the design of it: a fish (it’s the fish that usually live way below the sea right?), and a girl trying to reach the light from the fish… (ooh, gosh! I’m bad in describing it, just open the site, okay?)
Bottom line is I like it.
Is it Brandon’s art work again?
And a side note here, it’s all in dark blue!
And while writing this post, I let “Black Heart Inertia” playing over and over and carefully collecting word by word of it.
Incubus’ lyrics are always heavy.
And this song is not an exception.
About the album title: Monuments and Melodies, I’m wondering will it also be included in the album? That will be nice.
And I think the title suits the album pretty well.
I hope.
I can’t wait until June 16th, for the album launching, and hopefully will be landed in Jakarta not too long after the date. Then it will be the nicest birthday gift for me.
Well, to make it easier for you to connect to their single “Black Heart Inertia”, I put embed here.
Click the play button and enjoy it!!!
Side note:
I hate Brandon’s new hair cut. I’m praying now for it to grow faster!
And… no more gauges? Sad….